Breaking Through Bad Thoughts

Have you ever had a fearful thought that began to spiral then suddenly gripped you leaving you fear stricken or debilitated with anxiety?

…This is the most important point I want to make here. Our thoughts control the chemistry of our blood. The chemistry of our blood determines not only our physical health but our mental health as well. If we can reprogram our thinking, we can reprogram how our bodies ultimately function and feel.

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The #1 Lie You Are Being Told About Autoimmune Disease!

Autoimmune it really in your genes? Does having such a condition really mean your body is attacking itself?

How many of us have been led to believe that one day your body woke up and just magically decided to start attacking itself? How many of us have beat ourselves up thinking our genes are faulty, we’re just a less than specimen of the human race, and we must come to accept our life with chronic illness?

HEAR ME OUT: this is absolutely untrue. Your body is NOT attacking itself and your genes are not out of control.

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Food Allergies + "why I wouldn’t trade mine for the world!"

My name is Jen and I am a recovering food intolerance sufferer. 

But for real. I have had such intense food allergies in the past that eating gluten would keep me in bed the entire next day. I am happy to report that my reactions can be much less extreme, however, they still happen and I am incredibly grateful for my food allergies! Why on earth do you ask? Keep reading..

First, let’s address what is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance? Technically speaking, you can really use these two terms interchangeably as food allergy operates on a scale, the most extreme being I just ate a peanut and now my airway is swelling shut “PLEASE GET ME AN EPI PEN STAT.” On the contrary, maybe certain foods just make your eczema a little extra flaky or your joints a bit more stiff. In all actuality, your body is reacting to what is taking place within after you consume this food. The response may be an IgE immune mediated response (think anaphylaxis, can’t breath, and epipen) or an IgG immune mediated response which will give you cold/flu like or other unpleasant symptoms from eating your body’s forbidden foods. Either way, your body is having a reaction so the term you use doesn’t really matter. When you’re ordering at a restaurant just call it an allergy to avoid feeling lousy either way!

If you look deeper into most food allergies, what is happening is..

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8 Steps to HEAL Your Hormonal Imbalance, PCOS, & Endometriosis NATURALLY

Acne, hair loss, low libido, irregular menses, painful menses, hirsutism (excess body hair), mood swings, bloating, and fatigue are all symptoms of very common conditions so many of us ladies suffer from today! Either you, yourself, or one of your closest gals is struggling with a chronic condition listed above.

You know what? I am sick and tired of women just having to deal. These symptoms are not normal, and being told to live with these conditions is unacceptable. The healthcare system has to do better with treating chronic hormonal imbalance than how it is managing women’s health now. Giving us the pill or calling us “moody” is projecting the system’s ineptitude on the woman, which deflects responsibility. 

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🍍🍇🥝🍏🍓Fruit Fear🍊🍎🍌🍒

Have you ever been told to avoid fruit? If you’re trying to resolve chronic conditions such as candida overgrowth, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, or gut dysbiosis you’ve most likely heard that you should avoid sugars including fruit.

Let me rewrite that myth for you today! This is a common misconception in the wellness space. We are told to avoid fruit because “the sugars are BAD and will feed pathogens or spike our blood sugar.”

When in reality this couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Sometimes I still hate my body.

Do you ever just hate your body and wonder why your body can’t keep up with what you’re asking it to do?

I can get soo mad at my body when she doesn’t keep up with the breakneck pace I’m running at or especially around the holidays when I want to ingest poison then ask my body “would you just deal & carry on normally okay?”!?

Let me share with you what happened this Thanksgiving & then all the insight that followed.

The holidays, especially Thanksgiving, have always evoked shame for me in my body as I cannot just eat and drink what everyone else does. But this year was much worse.

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Are Your Hormones Out of Whack?!

Are your hormones out of whack? Maybe you just feel a little “off” or you lab work came back concerning. If there is an abnormal fluctuation in your hormones chances are your likely feeling the effects on your body. For women we notice changes in our monthly cycle, low energy, weight loss resistance, hot flashes, brain fog, thinning hair, brittle nails, dry skin, low libido or mood and energy irregularities. Men may notice low energy, weight gain in hips, pecs or thighs, thinning hair, low libido, impotence and oftentimes anger/irritability. 

So what causes our hormones to go into disarray? Often times we think “my hormones are out of whack so now I have this chronic condition. PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, endocrine disorder, low testosterone, etc.” What came first the hormone imbalance or the diagnosis? The chicken or the egg? Instead of playing the blame game to infinity, let’s examine the real culprits of hormonal dysfunction. 

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