A letter written from my persistence..
A letter written my persistence in January 2019,
in order to look back over the past year with gratitude and celebrate the accomplishments.
Dear Jen,
This is your persistence writing you one year ago, in January 2019. I am here to tell you to keep going after your dreams, to do the work over this next year because you have no idea what is coming your way.
You are still healing wounds from plans you created for your life that were not Gods best for you. You have no idea the things god has in store for you this year Jenni! His plans for you life will truly blow your mind. It’s time you step into receiving and get ready to change your freaking life.
You’re going to be shown a new vision for your life. You’re going to begin to change the way you live, love, and perceive every day with immense amounts of gratitude. Your new goals for your life will get you excited, they will also be the hardest things you’ve ever had to do in your life. You will cry tears of joy and inadequacy all in the same week. They will be worth it.
Starting a spirit filled, healing business will be incredibly rewarding, demanding, and frustrating at times as you learn what it takes to be a business owner & healer. Nothing will make you happier than seeing people heal quickly from conditions you struggled with for years. All because of your faith in the father to heal you and PERSISTENCE in always seeking more information through your medical background.
Founding a nonprofit ministry for women will show you what God can do with your life with one simple act of obedience. Just your “yes Lord” will begin to transform the lives of women in the city. Keep seeking Jesus daily to gain clarity and vision for what your assignment is with this ministry. Nothing will make you feel more alive than serving how God has asked you to in this ministry. You’ve been to notice that now.
In one years time you went from the lowest point of your life to a reality you never imagined possible. A life where you feel whole and incredible joy daily. I, your persistence, am the reason for this. Every day you woke up believing for better from God. Every day you woke up and wanted more for your life. Every day you got up and did the freaking work even when your heart hurt, even when you were tired, even when you hated the task at hand. Because of me, your persistence, this is just the beginning. You have so much more ahead of you. Keep your head down & do the work. Be humble but confident. Don’t ever stop praying. Don’t stop seeking God more than ever in your life. Don’t stop believing.
As long as you don’t quit, I, your persistence, will be the vehicle to your dreams manifesting.
Until next year Jen!
Your Persistence