Posts tagged endometriosis
8 Steps to HEAL Your Hormonal Imbalance, PCOS, & Endometriosis NATURALLY

Acne, hair loss, low libido, irregular menses, painful menses, hirsutism (excess body hair), mood swings, bloating, and fatigue are all symptoms of very common conditions so many of us ladies suffer from today! Either you, yourself, or one of your closest gals is struggling with a chronic condition listed above.

You know what? I am sick and tired of women just having to deal. These symptoms are not normal, and being told to live with these conditions is unacceptable. The healthcare system has to do better with treating chronic hormonal imbalance than how it is managing women’s health now. Giving us the pill or calling us “moody” is projecting the system’s ineptitude on the woman, which deflects responsibility. 

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