Pain is a megaphone.
Pain is a megaphone.
Why does it have to hurt this bad? & what is the pain trying to tell us?
Let’s escape from all this work week, holiday chaos, and busy time of year for a moment.
Think of your perfect life. No chronic symptoms that plague you, no autoimmune disease ruling over your health, no heartache, sickness, past trauma, scary finances, infertility, unemployment, infidelity, the list goes on..
Imagine how seamless, free and happy your life would be without all of the above.
Can I ask you something..did you once imagine fellowship with god as the precursor to your perfect life? Did you once plan out your devotional time on your knees begging and pleading spirit to move in your life? Did you once see the miracle in the pain that does happen when we pray and see God move?!
That’s okay because to be honest I didn’t when I asked myself this question either. I just considered all the things that could magically disappear to make my life a better place to be.
For this I know to be true, God uses our pain points as a way to call us into refuge with Him.
In a fallen world living in a 3D dimension apart from the divine we cannot with our 5 senses experience God. We can experience all of the perfect realities we wished for above but without God they will prove unfulfilling. However, we are able to EXPERIENCE God in our pain. That is what makes times of trial so bittersweet. The pain, the heartache, the trial is so bitter and oh boy does it sting, but that feeling of God holding us in His presence and seeing his miracle provision is only so sweet because of the pain. Do you see what I’m saying? When everything is good we can praise and give gratitude, but without the dichotomy of pain and pleasure we would not fully experience God’s presence here on Earth. His presence appears almost palpable to us when He’s taken us from our pit of pain and placed our feet upon the solid rock of praise for the miracle that just occurred in our life.
Some miracles are big. Some are small. But they are all around us, and without the reality of pain in a fallen world we would not feel His presence. We are not in heaven, yet, where we will fellowship with the Divine side by side and everything will be perfect. Here in this place of exile from paradise God BLESSES US with pain so we can know God, feel the spirit of God and love God.
If you still have pain in your life and you do not feel God with you all you have to do is say a simple prayer and invite Him into your life. Ask the Spirit to fill you with His presence. If you “ask, it will be given to you; seek, & you will find it; knock on the door & it will be opened to you.”
This statement will not win by popular opinion but I would like to point out there are positives to pain..
Like when our bodies are crying out to us with symptoms and ailments- this is a megaphone message from our spirit saying “there is a better way to feed our bodies, nourish our minds, quench our souls! Wake up!”
We’re not meant to live this way, plagued by disease and detached from the power to change our prognosis.
We may not ever experience perfection in our health on this side of heaven but we can definitely experience an elevated state of wellbeing and JOY. But when we’re living destructive lives by consuming toxic food, garbage media and negative thoughts that destroy us we extinguish our ability to live well & free.
Instead of wishing our pain away what if we sat with it? Even thanked it! And then asked our pain what it is telling us about our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health?
What is one small tangible step you could take this week to allow your pain to serve you?
Physical pain? Make a diet change and get moving!
Emotional pain? What is the message here from your heart. Mental pain? Pick up that book that’s been nagging at you to read or make an appointment with a trusted counselor. Spiritual pain?
Maybe that’s just a longing in your soul wondering what more there can be? Maybe you could seek god in prayer for the first time?
The pain I have experienced in my life has been my best teacher as well as my biggest blessing. How can I say that? My illness led me to a deep spiritual relationship as well as a healing relationship with myself and my past. Heartache from childhood and broken relationships have further pushed me to the One who loves me best and knows my heart most intimately to heal and redeem all wounds. Also, all pain in my life has pushed me further and further into my purpose that has given me L I F E. A purpose I wouldn’t have found otherwise and a joy I could not have experienced without the precursor painful trial. It’s amazing to see how we can begin to handle a newly painful circumstance after we’ve taken a step back to reflect with gratitude for all our previous hurts and trials. Because we can see God’s faithfulness in every painful time before, we know we will certainly get through and be blessed from this current painful circumstance we find ourselves in.
So I encourage you today, reflect, and tell me one way you have been blessed by the pain in your life?