Posts tagged hormones
Are Your Hormones Out of Whack?!

Are your hormones out of whack? Maybe you just feel a little “off” or you lab work came back concerning. If there is an abnormal fluctuation in your hormones chances are your likely feeling the effects on your body. For women we notice changes in our monthly cycle, low energy, weight loss resistance, hot flashes, brain fog, thinning hair, brittle nails, dry skin, low libido or mood and energy irregularities. Men may notice low energy, weight gain in hips, pecs or thighs, thinning hair, low libido, impotence and oftentimes anger/irritability. 

So what causes our hormones to go into disarray? Often times we think “my hormones are out of whack so now I have this chronic condition. PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, endocrine disorder, low testosterone, etc.” What came first the hormone imbalance or the diagnosis? The chicken or the egg? Instead of playing the blame game to infinity, let’s examine the real culprits of hormonal dysfunction. 

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