Food Allergies + "why I wouldn’t trade mine for the world!"


My name is Jen and I am a recovering food intolerance sufferer

But for real. I have had such intense food allergies in the past that eating gluten would keep me in bed the entire next day. I am happy to report that my reactions can be much less extreme, however, they still happen and I am incredibly grateful for my food allergies! Why on earth do you ask? Keep reading..

First, let’s address what is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance? Technically speaking, you can really use these two terms interchangeably as food allergy operates on a scale, the most extreme being I just ate a peanut and now my airway is swelling shut “PLEASE GET ME AN EPI PEN STAT.” On the contrary, maybe certain foods just make your eczema a little extra flaky or your joints a bit more stiff. In all actuality, your body is reacting to what is taking place within after you consume this food. The response may be an IgE immune mediated response (think anaphylaxis, can’t breath, and epipen) or an IgG immune mediated response which will give you cold/flu like or other unpleasant symptoms from eating your body’s forbidden foods. Either way, your body is having a reaction so the term you use doesn’t really matter. When you’re ordering at a restaurant just call it an allergy to avoid feeling lousy either way!

If you look deeper into most food allergies, what is happening is not really an allergy at all. When you have a reaction to eating a food like wheat, milk, soy sauce or corn chips your body is sending out an immune response due to the fact that very food you just consumed feeds a pathogen that lies within your body. In most cases, even when you remove the pathogen your immune system memory will still send out a response to the food you ate, this is common with gluten, dairy, & eggs. Or your body could be reacting to the chemical compounds or genetically modified nature of the food, this is common with corn and soy. 

What about the food allergen test you had done that states you are allergic to foods like celery, strawberries, and tomatoes, but you remember consuming these foods in bulk as a child? In most cases, you are not actually “allergic” to these healing foods at all. These foods are so incredibly healing to a toxic body that when an IgG test reveals that you’re allergic to celery, it’s likely that the celery is killing off a pathogen and that pathogen is releasing a toxin that’s creating a histamine reaction. Unfortunately, this may inaccurately appear as a celery allergy on the IgG test. In reality, the powerful celery in your system is healing you and destroying H. pylori, streptococcus, mold, and more, that very reaction is what is displaying on your sensitivity testing. Do not fear the healing foods! You may just need to start at a very low dose. Food is a very powerful medicine, we can see this demonstrated by food sensitivity testing!

Now.. Why do I say that I wouldn't trade my food sensitivities for the world?

My body loves me so much it creates a reaction to foods that are not conducive to healing and maintaining a high energy frequency in the body.

My body has created a built in response system for what it needs and what it doesn’t, and for this fact I am so very grateful!

As I’m healing my sensitivities (eliminating pathogens causing them) I’m eating foods that are making me feel soo alive, productive, and living at an elevated vibration daily.

My intolerances are protecting me from ingesting foods that aren’t optimal for the body. We were not created to eat gluten, dairy, processed sugar, poorly raised meats, and genetically modified plants. Instead of getting frustrated that my body won’t operate off of my agenda, I’ve had an awakening that has led me to see what a blessing my talkative body can be.

I remember the day I was told I should probably never have ice cream (dairy) again considering my incredibly high antibody levels. I was like WTH doc that’s my one favorite thing?! All I could see was what I would lose. I felt challenged in eating out and living my life differently from the people close to me.

Now I feel like a privileged, spoiled kid whose parents basically handed over an inheritance along with a well paved future. The way I had to live my life to heal my autoimmune disease has set me up for incredible success as a high performer and abundant quality of life in the long term. 

I feel like the human energizer bunny almost every single day simply because of the way my body forces me to eat. Two years into this healing journey I am detoxing to levels I didn’t know I could and every month I experience new benefits I did not have in my life before.

This is quite the contrast coming from the girl who was couch ridden sick, unable to work for 5 months and had ZERO energy to even take a shower.

My body has done a total 180 all because of using food as medicine. Yours can do the same! We are built from the same kind of cells by the same God! Even if you’re not ill..maybe you just feel like life is kinda hum drum and you’re waiting for the next thing to make you feel fully alive. You must create that life force within yourself and I guarantee you it will start with your physical health, which is affected mostly by your diet. Yes, emotional mental, and spiritual health are just as important. They are the top three tiers of the health pyramid. You know what they rest upon, PHYSICAL health. It’s incredibly challenging to have sound mental health and a life giving spiritual connection when your physical health is in the gutter.

pyramid of health

For my friends who can identify with food allergies themselves, have you taken a step back to look at your situation from a bird’s eye point of view and have GRATITUDE for this gift we have been given? If you have not yet, that is okay. Today is the day you can begin! I want you to say it with me now, “thank you body, I am incredibly grateful for you and the way you are fighting to protect me.” 

Healing abounds, friend!

<3 Jen

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