๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“Fruit Fear๐ŸŠ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’

fruit fear

Have you ever been told to avoid fruit? If youโ€™re trying to resolve chronic conditions such as candida overgrowth, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, or gut dysbiosis youโ€™ve most likely heard that you should avoid sugars including fruit.

Let me rewrite that myth for you today! This is a common misconception in the wellness space. We are told to avoid fruit because โ€œthe sugars are BAD and will feed pathogens or spike our blood sugar.โ€

When in reality this couldnโ€™t be further from the truth.

How do I know? Because the sickest Iโ€™ve ever been is when I was avoiding fruit because of the sugar. The healthiest Iโ€™ve ever felt is due to my โ€œfruitarianโ€ diet. I consume fruit at every meal! And no, not just tomatoes or cucumbers.

I see so many I work with who have struggled with their health seeing no progress all the while they were avoiding fruit.

So what is actually causing our chronic conditions if it is not those pesky fruit sugars?

If you are struggling with your gut health, blood sugars or overall poor quality of life your diet is mostly likely out of alignment with what your body needs to heal. To heal, your body needs an ABUNDANCE of living foods with the majority being raw fruits! What is actually reeking havoc in your gut is the amount of overt fats (oils, egg yolks, nut butters, meats, etc.) and animal products that weโ€™re led to believe we need to consume daily. If youโ€™re chronically ill your liver is weak and chances are your thyroid is too. Thatโ€™s means your hydrochloric acid and bile production is suboptimal and foods moves slowly through the gut feeding bacteria, mold, fungus, yeast etc.

So when you eat an apple and peanut butter and your blood sugar spikes the same thing happens. We think, โ€œoh that dang piece of fruit!โ€ When in reality the fat molecules from the peanut butter need to be converted to fuel (glucoseโ€”ATP) before the glucose enter into the cell. In that lag time, you experience high blood sugar.

Individualized nutritional therapy plays a key role in finding the right timing and balance of macronutrients and micronutrients for your body. This is what I love doing most, teaching people how to use everyday foods to heal their bodies. Foods theyโ€™re already consuming! Bringing in more of the healing foods and omitting the foods or limiting the foods that are keeping their bodies from healing.

Bottom line: if you are struggling with your health EAT MORE FRUIT. Swap out the protein shakes, bacon, eggs, chicken, protein bars, nuts and seeds for a simple fruit salad or fruit and greens smoothie. You will be amazed at the results you experience when you begin to find the specific nutritional approach your body needs to heal.

Healing abounds! 

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