Posts tagged womens health
Let's get FERTILE: Learning to Live from the Wisdom of your Womb

Hey ladies!

Wanna know a secret? Something you’ve likely never been told by any other medical professional..

Your body is the way in which your soul speaks you into alignment.


Put another way, your health, the way you feel on any given day, is the body’s way of communicating whether you are in alignment with the food you eat, the thoughts you think, and the people you meet.

Your soul chose the very body you are sitting in right now. Your soul and God knew this body would be the perfect vessel for this human experience you have signed up for!

Here is why it matters to you: your body literally holds the answers to whatever you want to conceive in your life.

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I AM WOMAN: Lunar Flow

What does the moon, your menstrual cycle, and mother nature all have in common?

Cycles. Rhythm. Flow.

Why is this important to you? Do you crave better health and harmony in your life? Do you desire to get to know your body on a deeper level?

Did you know this can come simply from tracking your moon (menstruation) and the Earth’s moon cycle?

If you wish to live at a new level of connection then keep on reading with me girl…

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I AM WOMAN: Introduction

Whether you are wanting to have a baby, never want to have a baby, or your body does not contain the full anatomy necessary to have a baby, DON'T STOP READING!

You are energetically a woman and this is for you!

You have a pituitary gland as well as any other reproductive organs like breasts, ovaries, uterus, cervix, and vagina that create a flow of feminine force within you. You are energetically composed of greater proportions of feminine versus masculine energy. You are woman!

Whether you are menstruating, menopausal, post-menopausal, or transitioning anatomically, you are influenced and affected by your hormones, the earth, and the moon. I’m going to teach you all about what this means for you!


Learning to understand & trust the intuitive flow of the feminine body is the most powerful tool we can harness as creators, mothers, sisters, teachers, leaders, and humans. BOTH SEXES benefit from women being in touch and in tune with their feminine nature.

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Thyroid Dysfunction: It's Not Genetic, It's Energetic

Wondering if your fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, thinning nails and other thyroid symptoms happen simply because they “run in the family?”

Your thyroid symptoms are ENERGETIC, not GENETIC in nature.

Sure, 5% of all our disease is genetically linked, but ONLY when the organism (us) is operating outside of the laws of nature (how we’re designed to live- opposite from society).

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Weight loss RESISTANCE!

You’ve counted calories, macros, carbs and gone keto but you still can’t lose weight. That’s been my story too sis, so what gives?

Yeah I could never lose the weight, my body just would not morph into what we were trying to achieve and I thought something was wrong with me. I felt like my body cannot be trusted and I needed to go to war against my body for weight loss. Something my coach and I both didn’t know that day was this, my body needed healing and that is why I couldn’t lose the weight. But in my ego mind I could not see past the perfect abs I wanted I was willing to make my body suffer and strive before I ever paid attention to her warning signs.

There is more than one way to lose weight.

What if we tried to heal our bodies first? What if we addressed the root causes of our underlying hormonal imbalance, sluggish thyroid, and impaired GI function. What if we looked at weight loss as a top down approach healing our physical, emotional, mental, even spiritual blocks to weight loss instead of beating the fat off our backs with fasted cardio and low carb diets. Looking at weight loss from the bottom up approach counting calories, carbs, or even macros leaves us short sighted and unable to achieve the desired result.

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8 Steps to HEAL Your Hormonal Imbalance, PCOS, & Endometriosis NATURALLY

Acne, hair loss, low libido, irregular menses, painful menses, hirsutism (excess body hair), mood swings, bloating, and fatigue are all symptoms of very common conditions so many of us ladies suffer from today! Either you, yourself, or one of your closest gals is struggling with a chronic condition listed above.

You know what? I am sick and tired of women just having to deal. These symptoms are not normal, and being told to live with these conditions is unacceptable. The healthcare system has to do better with treating chronic hormonal imbalance than how it is managing women’s health now. Giving us the pill or calling us “moody” is projecting the system’s ineptitude on the woman, which deflects responsibility. 

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