Since February 2017 I have been determined not to let my diagnosis become my prognosis.


In my early to mid twenties I went through a period in my life where I believed I had to sacrifice and let go of dreams and passions because of my health, or lack thereof. My brain fog was so intense I tabled the desire to go back to school to become a Nurse Practitioner. My fatigue and joint pain were so significant that I thought I would have to give up my love for Crossfit. AT 25 years old I was the sickest, functioning person I knew. I was in my prime believing this is just what would happen to my body as I got older. I was drowning in a sea of lies and misinformation about my health. Miraculously, I have a close friend who is also a wonderful functional medicine doctor who noticed I was not well and took the time to invest in my health. He quickly ran testing that would appear congruent with a Hashimoto’s thyroiditis diagnosis. He was the catalyst to many life-changing practices I made to change my health and therefore change my life. Thank you Dr. Jaban Moore, I am eternally grateful for your skill & care!

For several long, grueling months in 2018 my body completely failed me and I was struggling to get through every day life. A single 12 hour shift as an RN would wipe me out, for several days. I was stalling mid workout and unable to continue with the movements. For weeks upon end I was couch ridden and miserable. At the peak of my illness I stumbled across the right information for my body, and I began healing through implementation of the Medical Medium Protocols, functional medicine practices, juicing and hot yoga. Very soon after lowering the inflammation dramatically in my body, my body endured a dramatic healing crisis. I was healing from the inside out. Before any positive changes began to manifest, my outer appearance and demeanor were worsening. The skin on my face and neck was startling as acute, painful dermatitis and eczema began to spread. I began to experience crippling anxiety like never before and I was always exhausted. It was literally a full-time job taking care of myself, researching information that would help me heal, and seeking support from people on social media with similar experiences. Slowly, but surely, I began to heal and my health transformed. Now, I feel so alive and vibrant! My health has been restored to better than before. I am now able to engage fully in my passions and pursue full speed the biggest dreams I have ever made for my life.

 Autoimmune disease has changed my life and opened my eyes to a great need in this world. One of my favorite verses in Genesis portrays how I believe this disease was meant by evil to destroy me, but GOD used the very same catastrophe to elevate me to divine alignment & purpose for my life. {“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” GENESIS 50:20}.

So many of us are living in suffering, pain, and nagging symptoms. We’re hurting physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. But here’s the GOOD NEWS. We do not have to live this way! There is a better way. There is a simple, intuitive way we can take care of our bodies and nourish our souls. I am here to share my experience with you and learn about yours. I want to be the support to you I never had personally. I want to provide the clear, concise information in one place to serve & inspire you! Would you join me in this journey? Provide me with you email below so we can stay in touch. Allow my experiences to serve you, so you may start living your most optimal life today!

Note: my healing journey started with 8+ chronic illness conditions which have all healed from my body.

Many ask for the list so I will leave it here:

Hashimotos, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, IBS, RA, endometriosis, PCOS, anxiety, eczema…ALL GONE!