Posts in Energy Healing
Intuition Training Tools

What is intuition?

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

-Albert Einstein

Intuition or the ‘gut feeling’ is the ability to gain immediate understanding without the agency of conscious reasoning.

Or in common language, when you’re thinking about your friend and then she calls you at that instead, and when you feel like you shouldn’t go to that party and then you see it on the news, or when you know it’s time to leave your job and take the leap yet there is no logical part of this decision.

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The Secret Gift in Your Sensitivity

Highly sensitive people, empaths, anyone who has been deemed sensitive this is for you!

TRUTH: if you are sensitive, you have a gift!

What makes us sensitive enough to house chronic illness or autoimmune disease in our body also means we have a superpower.

No, I’m not necessarily talking about scaling skyscrapers and bending spoons. I’m talking about the untapped GIFT in your sensitivity.

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Energy Healing into Complete Autoimmune Remission - Part Two

What are emotions?

They are energy in motion. What about the role they play in the body’s vital organ health? Think of your body like a six lane highway with the traffic being life force energy, chi, prana, spirit of life running up and down through every cell. Trapped emotions in the body lead to lane closures and stagnant traffic. What happens now? The low frequency energies are causing a traffic jam of energy bringing your highway down from six lanes to three, two, or even one.

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Breaking Through Bad Thoughts

Have you ever had a fearful thought that began to spiral then suddenly gripped you leaving you fear stricken or debilitated with anxiety?

…This is the most important point I want to make here. Our thoughts control the chemistry of our blood. The chemistry of our blood determines not only our physical health but our mental health as well. If we can reprogram our thinking, we can reprogram how our bodies ultimately function and feel.

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Do you believe you can heal?

Do I believe I can heal? Do I believe I am worthy of abundant health? Ask yourself these questions. Really sit within your center and let yourself answer. You may be surprised with what you hear.

We all have healing to do, whether that is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual healing. Sometimes we are needing to restore our selves in all areas of health. That is okay too.

Abundance is a by product of who you really are. That means an amazing quality of life is your birthright! Healing yourself includes sitting in your center and viewing yourself the way our creator made us: blessed, loved, unique, and WORTHY!

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