Energy Healing into Complete Autoimmune Remission - Part Two

Part Two: Emotions & Trauma

Welcome to part two of this three-part mini blog series about autoimmune remission and the role that energy healing played in my recovery.

What are emotions?

They are energy in motion. What about the role they play in the body’s vital organ health? Think of your body like a six lane highway with the traffic being life force energy, chi, prana, spirit of life running up and down through every cell. Trapped emotions in the body lead to lane closures and stagnant traffic. What happens now? The low frequency energies are causing a traffic jam of energy bringing your highway down from six lanes to three, two, or even one. This leads to organ dysfunction and dis-ease. To heal the body back to optimal system function this typically requires a subconscious release utilizing an energetic approach. Sure, practices like talk therapy, journaling, and yoga do absolutely help and can get the traffic moving again by allowing cars to redirect by driving through the shoulder or finding a new route. However, to fully unclog the energy system in the body, we need to bring in a tow truck and even car magnet to effectively move this stalled traffic. 


Pathogens migrate to low frequency energy centers where trapped trauma is stored. What does this look like? Think of your former six lane highway down to two lanes piled up with cars and now the cars are on fire. This is what was occurring in my body with autoimmune disease, without a doubt. Trapped trauma and pathogens having a dumpster fire party inside my body while I suffered and remained lifeless most days on the couch. I started healing with nutrition which put out the car fires, yet the real clean up came when I called the energy healing tow truck and got to work.

Valid Feelings; Overreactive Responses

I was trying to positively think, manifest, or fix my way out of broken emotional patterns that were stored in the body and being triggered by the smallest of life circumstances. Relationships were becoming increasingly difficult for me as I found I was more often than not becoming emotionally overactive to valid, yet small, triggers. Hear me out: my feelings were valid and congruent with imbalances in my relationships, however, my emotional outbursts and trauma brain fog that ensued were a result of a trapped emotion in my body playing out over and over again. 

If I felt rejected by a partner, this would result in a tailspin of anger, tears, choice words, then the feeling of heartbreak. Never did it occur to me that the trigger was actually on the inside of my body versus the outside world around me. Never did I think I could become a healed observer to my reality versus a triggered reactor. Never did it occur to me that this emotion had been lodged in me since childhood yet was replaying over and over again in my adult life. At this juncture, I had been in talk therapy for over a year as well as two years in my teens. I had “talked through” my tough childhood, adult heartbreak, and the emotional baggage that came with autoimmune disease. I thought all this stuff in me was “fixed” and if I just kept speaking positive and manifesting my better emotional health a better me would happen. It wasn’t until I accidentally stumbled into the energy medicine realm that I realized I was in for a beautifully rude awakening. Through a series of my own (sometimes painful) energy healing sessions I began to watch my metamorphosis take place. I began to shed old dead energetic layers from within and truly emerged as a brilliant new butterfly. I went from a life ruled by disease, debt, and codepency to this place where I find myself now, navigating an extraordinarily abundant and joyful life.

Stay with me now.. I am getting to your tangible tools and I weave this story masterpiece for you! In just a short while I will give you seven steps you can do on your own to begin clearing trapped energy from the body. These are the seven steps I utilize to do “mini energy healing sessions” on myself in between major breakthrough sessions with my practitioner about 2x a month. You will also have the opportunity to download recorded energy healing audios just for you here.

Before we outline the 7 steps to clearing, allow me to outline a phenomena referred to CPTSD or complex post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD)

Have you ever been so upset in a moment that you felt like you could not think or process what was happening? Like an emotional brain fog had taken over your mind and all you could do was feel. Feel the pain, feel the hurt, feel the ANGER, feel the confusion. What in the heck is going on here besides obvious emotional turmoil? The answer is a flashback secondary to CPTSD.

When we think of PTSD we think this traumatic stress disorder can only apply to soldiers home from the battlefield. That is simply not the truth. We have all fought little mini trauma wars in our emotional lives and these experiences get lodged deep within our being.

Without the healing work, we are being triggered to relive the same emotion or experience over and over again, day after day. How do emotional flashbacks occur in the body? Just like our veterans who have PTSD and are triggered around a firework on the 4th of July, the explosive noise triggers a trauma lodged deep within the limbic system, body, or both. The same goes for CPTSD, a partner raising their voice at you may cause you to react with intense emotion and the desire to protect yourself- because the trapped trauma of a verbally abusive parent is lodged deep within the body. Or perhaps you choose unhealthy partner after unhealthy partner losing yourself within a relationship because being single triggers feeling alone and the trauma from being abandoned by your mother at a young age lies deep within the subconscious. 

We can spend our whole life running from our stored emotional pain which in turn wreaks havoc on the physical body, mental state, and keeps us disconnected spiritually.

Oftentimes, we must go through the pain of healing our deep emotional stress in order to be relieved from what we experience as suffering in our daily lives. It is like working out at the gym, we endure momentary pain to alleviate ourselves from a life of suffering from heart disease and obesity.

Most avoid the healing work because we feel like we cannot grasp the concept or we are not doing it right. The healing work gets frustrating because we feel like our life will begin on the other side, but in all reality the beautiful life you crave is right here in the midst of the healing. And yes, sometimes this life can feel like climbing a mountain with a giant rucksack on your back. What is even more strenuous is healing trapped trauma and emotions while trying to elevate to your highest path. That rucksack on your back? That is literally all that emotional trauma baggage, friend. We often think or say, but I had a pretty easy life. I was never a victim or abuse or violence. Trauma is trauma my friend. I have never worked with a chronically ill individual who did not begin to uncover what was bringing the body down lodged deep inside.

Emotions Stored in the Body

So maybe you’re not convinced the body or organs store emotions?

I have my favorite story I share with skeptics, and rightfully so, I was one before my journey, believe it or not! The turning point for me was when I learned of the story of a 8 year old little girl who was having nightmares after her recent heart transplant. The little girl told her parents she kept seeing a tall man coming in her room and trying to harm her. Her parents were deeply disturbed by this of course and consulted with the medical team. After extensive questioning, it sounded oddly familiar to the story of the death of the pediatric donor of the heart she received. To test this, the little girl was shown a series of images and asked to identify the person, place, and weapon in her nightmares. Eerily enough, without missing a beat she identified the murderer, exact location, and weapon involved with her donor’s death. That is a very extreme example, but we can obviously see how the body is really our best messenger in telling us if we have trauma to resolve deep within ourselves.

Be sure to check back for part three of this three-part mini blog series to learn about clearing this trapped trauma.

Missed part one? Check it out here!

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