The Secret Gift in Your Sensitivity

My Dearest Sensitive Souls,

I want to bring you a special message today- one that has honestly saved my life.

Highly sensitive people, empaths, anyone who has been deemed sensitive this is for you!

TRUTH: if you are sensitive, you have a gift!


What makes us sensitive enough to house chronic illness or autoimmune disease in our body also means we have a superpower.

No, I’m not necessarily talking about scaling skyscrapers and bending spoons. I’m talking about the untapped GIFT in your sensitivity.

How did we get so sensitive?

On one hand, I believe we were created this way for a reason.

Sensitive souls have typically been through a ton of trauma and our empathic nature decided to carry all our experiences as well as the pain of others in our body. This creates the perfect home for pathogens, toxins, and disease.

Many of us, in our disempowered state, suffer from chronic illness symptoms that completely take over our reality and limit not only our quality of life but also our vision for our future possibilities. We’re led to believe that something is wrong with us, we’re the not normal ones and even that we’re a burden to be around.

What makes us sensitive to certain foods, chemicals, and crowds also means we’re sensitive to energy and that is a GIFT.

The same energy field that allows us to feel other’s emotions before they do, read auras, connect with animals and give intuitive guidance, is also allowing in not-so-great energy like pathogens and other people’s toxic emotions.

This is nothing to fear or loathe. This is a gift, and your job is to treat yourself like the precious jewel that you are!

Your Body Can Heal

If you have autoimmune disease or similar symptoms first and foremost know your body can HEAL. Meanwhile you can also hone the very part of you, the beautiful open energy field that created a perfect habitat for disease in your body.

That sensitivity is your untapped superpower to be used in your daily life.

This secret sensitivity gift is what I uncovered on my autoimmune healing journey. Once I realized that my body was indeed not broken, nor weak, and instead OPEN to receive this beautiful gift my healing took a turn for the best.

My whole life I had always been led to believe that I needed to numb or desensitize my gift.

Take an ibuprofen for a headache after being around a crowd of harmful energy. Take an antihistamine when my body reacts to certain allergens. Take an immunosuppressive steroid when my immune system is fighting for me and the medical community says your body is attaching itself.

No, NO, NO!

Please friend, if you hear anything hear me out on this:

  • You are not weak.

  • You are not broken.

  • You are OPEN.

  • And that is a beautiful thing.

Our Society is Desensitized - You are not the Problem.

So many empaths, highly sensitive people, and intuitives have lived a portion of their lives numbed out just to survive. These symptoms can look like:

  • depression/anxiety

  • trouble sleeping

  • long lists of pharmaceuticals

  • addiction

  • destructive behavior

I see the younger generations being born more and more sensitive, also equipped with incredible gifts to be honed through purifying their physical vessel and getting in tune with their spirit.

There’s a reason you are so sensitive to foods everyone in your family can eat, chemicals the people around you can breathe in, and people that don’t seem to drain anyone but you.

Beyond the physical explanations of your liver toxicity, pathogen load, and responsive nervous system lies another paradigm of spiritual medicine truth...

  • You are meant to operate with an extremely pure and clean vessel.

  • You are meant to be light on this earth without the junk muddying your crystal clean shell.

  • You are meant to uncover your gift in your healing journey and carry out the Divine work you are here to channel through our Creator.

What if there is a way to have this sensitivity gift that allows us to feel energy and be incredibly in touch with intuition AND have a strong, healed version of our bodies at the same time?

There is a Way


This way will come with healing your body and learning more about your gift.

You see, the body is like the compass the soul uses to guide us back into alignment. When our body is talking, we can imagine our soul on the other side with a megaphone begging us to pay attention! I blocked my gift, my healing, for years denying the truth about who I really am.

When my body felt tired, I would get angry and grind harder. When my body was too inflamed to tell me she was toxic, I would instantly make a plan to slim down. When my body told me she didn’t feel comfortable around a person/place I would tell her to be quiet and stuff her all-knowing voice in the back of my head. I wasn’t interested in listening to my intuition or healing the root cause of my physical suffering. I just wanted my body to change, and I thought the more I pushed the more I could get her to my ideal. I am so glad she didn’t listen, because if she did, I would be without these amazing gifts and abundant life I have today. When I stopped trying to be like others, I stepped into my authentic self. When I found her, I also found my gifts, my joy, my abundance.

  • Your energy field is just more open, you are not broken.

  • More susceptible to illness also means more susceptible to intuition.

  • First to get sick, first to sense something is not right.

  • First to get tired, the first to recharge and be fueled with divine energy.

  • You’re not WEAK.

  • You’re incredible in tune and open.

  • This is your secret sensitivity gift!

Four Steps to Step Into Your Secret Sensitivity Gift

  1. Heal your body using food as medicine

  2. Begin to recognize your gift (ask those close to you!)

  3. Hone your gift (uncover it more with energy healing)

  4. Share your gift (and unlock abundance)

Not sure where to start? Need one on one guidance?

Set up a discovery call with me here

So much love to all of you my fellow sensitive souls.


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