I believe in Jesus and I also believe in Mediums ❤️

Wait, what?! Isn’t that like..against the Bible? Maybe so, I’m not a theologian, but I would like to share my own experience with you. I have written these words from a vulnerable place of faith + truth. I hope this post serves your faith and inspires you to believe bigger!

Christian spirituality

“and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.” —Luke‬ ‭9:2‬ ‭

Can I start with a question for you? When you call him, or sit down with your dad to talk does he care what you call him: Dad, daddy, father, pa, pops, pappy, papa? Or is he more excited that the child he so dearly loves wants to commune and speak with him? Our Heavenly Father is much the same way. I believe he cares less about what you’re calling Him, and more whether you’re speaking to Him, cultivating a relationship with Him daily. Our God is all about the relationship, and probably just as fed up as we are with religion.

Before we commence with hateful speech or thoughts, hear me out: no matter what end of the religious spectrum we come from we can all agree we were created by God to love God and to love others. In my walk as a Christian I have seen more individuals tripped up over comparing, contrasting and refuting one another’s beliefs than being joined under the very premise that we were created for:


Throughout my own walk with Jesus I have found myself in very limiting and judging places in my heart. That was my own crafting and ego. From a fear based religious approach I was concerned with finding the right angle of Christianity and certainly demonizing any other school of thought. The more I searched the more I couldn’t quite seem to get it right or find concrete answers.

Around this very same time my health hit rock bottom and the profound connection I had always felt with God felt like a disconnected land line phone. Static and no communication coming through. When I read the word it felt so literal and lacked the personal messages I had once gathered from the Bible. This season was dark and disconnected for me, but on the other side I found a life changing lesson and new relationship with Jesus and people I was severely missing out on.

I was couch ridden sick and unable to work. I was diving into research, theory and any information I could get my hands on on healing illness and disease. I had started with some plant based research articles about cancer and knew the alkaline diet theory and nutritional therapy modalities held an enormous amount of truth. Soon after I came across a book on healing autoimmune disease written by a medium. I was hesitant to even open it thinking it was full of witchcraft and voodoo. I flipped open to a chapter regarding my most concerning symptoms and I felt the Holy Spirit shouting into my soul as the words made so much sense to me. It was like all the research I had read, the theory I felt could be true and the screaming from my body to change my ways all wrapped into one source. I knew this author had great success and expertise in what he was talking about, but my judgement and confined box of how god worked was holding me back. I tip toed around what I knew I needed to do for my body for a little while longer until I heard the Spirit come in loud and clear after a long period of absence saying “who are you to judge what gifts I give people?” Ugh. Talk about conviction. God had brought me answers I had been begging for so long. However my own lack of faith, judgment, and fear of what other believers would think was holding me back from my own healing.
I still think about this day often and praise Jesus for his tender mercies and patience with me. The amount of healing taken place in my body is a true miracle. I went from struggling to find the energy to grocery shop for myself to one of the highest capacity individuals I know. That is no credit to me either! I still thank god every day for bringing me the information and the faith necessary to heal my body. Now I feel like I live a supercharged life in the fast lane because of my faith and learned healing modalities.

It is amazing what god will do in your life when you abandon your own limiting ways and let Him work into your life. My faith in Jesus and my spiritual life are beyond what I could have imagined possible & I know this has further catapulted my body into abundant healing and great health! If you would have told me some of my closest friends (who are just normal people serving God) are mediums for the Divine and Jesus would start appearing in my mediations I would have told you you’re crazy. And that I’m crazy too for that matter.

However, when I finally let Jesus out of the box I had put him in miracles started to happen. I think as Christians it is easy for us to limit ourselves. We forget that Jesus literally sent his spirit to live in us. And that the very same healing power he gave to the disciples LIVES IN US TOO. We serve a glorious loving God! I encourage you to stand firm in your truth and be open to ways God may be revealing himself to you in the ordinary. Most importantly let us not forget the number one reason we were created and why we are here: TO LOVE GOD AND TO LOVE OTHERS. Labels, religion and spiritual beliefs aside, JUST LOVE.


I don’t have all the answers. Neither does any human being I have ever met or listened to on this planet. I’m abandoning the notion to get it all right and then convince others to do the same. Instead I have been convicted to love the people in my life and the stranger on the street right in front of me with no limits and no judgment. That’s what Jesus would be doing right here, right now. This way of living has taught me that life is just one big miracle unfolding in front of us. Let’s all take a step of faith today and experience it!

“And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:1‬ ‭

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