Posts tagged featured
That Magic Moment

Daily meditations in nature, yoga overlooking the ocean, waterfall hikes, journaling in a hammock, therapeutic massages, organic food, energy healing, somatic movement and dance - all of these amenities had opened me and released me from within myself to prepare for this moment. You know that magic moment we sign up for when we excitingly book a retreat with the hopes it will serve to be transformational? The story I’m going to tell you was that moment.

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An Open Letter from a Partner with Autoimmune Disease

I gave this letter to a client to use to share with her husband when she couldn’t yet articulate the words that an invisible illness was stirring inside of her.

That is the hardest part of chronic illness. Sometimes you look fine while you feel like you’re slowly wasting away on the inside. When we’re in the throes of chronic illness we’re not even sure of ourselves and it can be really hard to reassure our loved ones that we want to be healed.

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How God Blessed Me with Autoimmune Disease

To get my life back I had to surrender my idea of what I thought I wanted it to look like - God’s idea has been much better!

In 365 days time, I went through the hardest physical struggle of my life followed by the worst heartache and hurting I didn’t even know I could feel. BUT GOD was and is faithful. He never left me or had forsaken me!

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