Intuition Training Tools

What is Intuition?

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

-Albert Einstein

Intuition or the ‘gut feeling’ is the ability to gain immediate understanding without the agency of conscious reasoning.


Or in common language - when you’re thinking about your friend and then she calls you at that instant. Or when you feel like you shouldn’t go to that party and then you see it on the news. Or when you know it’s time to leave your job and take the leap yet there is no logical part of this decision.

You can feel intuition and your gut feeling in your heart’s knowing.

Scientists have repeatedly demonstrated how information can register in the brain without conscious awareness, and positively influence decision-making. In fact, intuitive impressions on an MRI scan light up the heart or the belly region FIRST and then the brain registers with a response.

Your gut feeling and following your hearts impressions are a scientific phenomenon that can be examined!

You are not making this up!

How can I hone my intuition?

By working with it every single day! A regular journaling, meditation, yoga, and energy healing practice (or all of them!) help you sharpen your natural intuitive gifts.


What blocks my intuition?

Doubt, fear, ego, and your inner critic are the intuition’s biggest enemies!

Our intuition is always flowing through us without thought, but when we second-guess our intuition we immediately shut it down and quiet the voice within us. Stored trauma in the body can also block our intuition. An inflamed body full of toxins and infections that feels out of balance also keeps your intuition from shining. Your body can remove these blocks through real MEDICINE: energy healing and nutritional therapy.

Below I want to share with you my top 7 intuition practice insights so you can connect with your own power and be led by the Spirit in your daily life!

Top 7 Intuition Practice Insights

Intuition Practice #1

Don't confuse your trauma with your truth.

Instead of truth, it is easy to confuse our intuition with the voice of our trapped trauma in the body. When our energy is coherent, our heart’s magnetic field is strengthened and our intuition is sharpened.

So many times, I see clients in a fear state: believing the healing food or the energy healing practice is the root of all evil because of the trauma stored in the body is running the show. If we do not regularly clear out our energy via energy healing, meditation, and/or yoga practice, our intuition is unable to be pure & unfiltered.

Intuition Practice #2

A blocked imagination leads to a blocked intuition.

If you ever feel blocked from receiving intuitive guidance, ask a child to sense the answer for you.

How could I dare to place the fate of your decision into the hands of a five-year-old?

Because kids can make great teachers! How? They are so open! They do not yet operate predominantly from logic.


When you ask a child a question, they use two devices before logic:

  1. They feel into their bodies

  2. They use their imagination to create the answer based on the signals from their body

As adults we can't let our logic take second seat to be a servant to our intuitive hearts. The next time you need to make a decision that is not clear- grab the child in your life and see how they teach you to use your intuition!

Intuition Practice #3

Your intuition isn’t wrong, it's the truest thing about you!

In the beginning when working with our intuition I always hear clients say “this sounds weird” or “This sounds dumb, but I feel like...”

The intuition will almost never make immediate sense to the logical mind because our intuitive knowing generates from an alternative paradigm.

As you begin to follow your intuitive guidance more and more, you will see in hindsight this knowing makes a great deal of “sense” and can be trusted!

Intuition Practice #4

I am not an intuitive person.

Nothing could be further from the truth than to say, “I was born without an intuition.” That's like saying I was born without a heart and lungs- you would not be alive & here on this physical earth if you didn't have a divinely created intuition!

What can be true is saying, “I never exercise my intuition muscle; my intuition is sedentary, and my spiritual life is inactive.” Just like getting your physical body in shape- we have to use our muscles for them to be strong! The same is true for intuition!


Intuition Practice #5

Intuition is pure, holy, light, & truth!

If what you were feeling feels fear-based, lack-based, dark and “of dark forces”, it is not your intuition/the Spirit speaking in you. (See intuition practice #1)

Your intuition comes from the Spirit, therefore in its purest form is channeled through the spirit inside of you. If you believe or feel that your intuition is not of pure love and light, then that is not intuition guiding you. That is trapped energy or trauma that needs to be released!

Work with an energy practitioner for guidance.  More info available HERE!

Intuition Practice #6

Intuition is not the same thing as listening to the Spirit.

The practice of intuition involves dropping down into the body and learning the body’s cues to guide you. The Spirit lives in the divinely created body. Intuition is a tangible practice to begin to decipher the Spirit’s leading in the human body vessel.

Practice Tip:

  • Close your eyes and drop down into your body by taking a deep breath.

  • Focus your awareness in your chest and in your belly (your two centers of intuition).

  • Ask your body to show you a “YES!” Think of your favorite food, place, person, or pet - notice the responses your body gives you, they will be subtle, but they will appear!

  • Now think of a stressful situation or scary event; think of a food you hate, think of a person who makes you feel uncomfortable. Register the response the body is signaling through these visualizations. That response is your body’s “NO!”

  • Practice this until you can easily decipher your body’s feeling with a “yes” or “no” feeling.

The next time you’re needing access to your intuition to decipher something important in your life, drop down into your body and look for your yes or your no!

Intuition Practice #7

I can’t feel my intuition.

Feeling into our own unique intuitive gifts involves uncovering a specific layer of sensitivity in our bodies.

This sensitivity antenna can be blocked by physical and emotional pain in our body. When our body is in chronic pain our nervous system is on high alert and we sense the body as not a safe place to be.

Using our intuition requires us to be in our body and deeply resting in a parasympathetic nervous system state. Oftentimes as we heal our chronic conditions, autoimmune disease, and stored trauma in the body through nutritional therapy and energy healing we find our intuitive gifts springing forth with fervor and new abilities!

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