Energy Healing into Complete Autoimmune Remission - Part One

Part One: Emotional Root Cause of All Conditions

Welcome to part one of this three-part mini blog series about autoimmune remission and the role that energy healing played in my recovery.

What does emotional healing have to do with sending your autoimmune disease into remission?


All conditions have an emotional root cause just as they possess a physical, mental, and spiritual trigger. Thyroid disease, PCOS, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia and so on were all created in an emotional state of dis-ease in the body. Furthermore, we often are reliving painful emotional experiences stored as energy in the body. An argument with a loved one or feeling of rejection from our spouse can send us into a painful tailspin if we have not cleaned out our emotional closet. These emotional flares not only send a flood of cortisol racing through the bloodstream, they further catapult us into the inflammatory sympathetic (fight and flight) nervous system state versus the healing parasympathetic (rest and digest) state.


Whether there is a pathogen, toxicity, or trauma creating the flare, the body does not know the difference. The immune system is constantly fighting and the adrenals are continuously signaling, “DANGER, DANGER, DANGER!” Which in turn, creates unwanted symptoms in the body.

My full remission of autoimmune symptoms did not occur until I embarked upon my own emotional healing journey through energy healing and subconscious therapy methods. These modalities alone released years of trapped trauma and emotion from a tumultuous childhood and major heartbreak as an adult. These healing modalities also helped me to develop a deeper, intuitive spiritual connection beyond myself and insource my power displaying to me my own body’s ability to fully heal. Nutritional therapy alone took the functionality of my body from 10% to about 80%. My emotional healing path surged me forward to feeling at my best 98% of vital health and further reduction of symptoms. 

This incredible healing into remission is not only possible for me. I am made from the same cells by the same Creator as you. Whether you have autoimmune disease, anxiety, depression, hormone imbalance, or  weight loss resistance, energy healing can help to drastically minimize symptoms and project you into vital, abundant health.

The Process

It took me about one full year at my optimal nutritional healing protocol to see my symptoms heal into remission. Even at this point, I would frequently see mild to moderate disturbances of gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, cycle pain, and hip discomfort come in and out of my life if conditions were not perfect. My response? At this time I tried to dial in my eating even more with solely raw foods, fasting, and new supplements, but my body wouldn’t budge. It looked like these last few lingering symptoms were left to stay.


After about a decade of chronic symptoms much worse than this, and months of being bedridden sick, I was somewhat okay with accepting these symptoms as my new norm.

God did not escort us onto this earth to suffer, we did not come here to live our whole lives in pain. Sometimes we can’t see through the pain fogging up the view from our body. This transformation may take someone else’s words or another person/practitioner to hold the space for help until we can catch up. I know this was certainly true for me.

This light feeling, easier life, freedom, dream career comes on the other side of healing. The  beautiful piece is we do not have to strive for our desires. Once we heal the body and align with the soul, we can be guided. Our soul knows the way and God guides the people, places, and tools we need on our path. Healing allows us to step into this destiny and receive our most abundant life physically, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I started energy healing to heal my GI symptoms, but what I received was stepping into a life beyond my wildest dreams thus far.

Many times with clients, we can’t yet get to honing in our nutritional therapy/eating patterns to begin to heal the body’s dysfunction until the energetic layers and trapped trauma is removed from the body causing them to choose unloving actions towards their body at the root. 

I like to take a top down approach to healing rather than a bottom up. A top down approach looks like starting by removing the interference to developing healed behaviors, emotions, beliefs, and perception versus regimenting the body into healing through a micro managed nutrition plan and choking down 18 different supplements per day.

Be sure to check back for part two of this three-part mini blog series to learn about healing our emotions and trapped trauma.

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