A New Take on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving morning for me always starts with my celery juice and abundance of fruit. I will sip on a smoothie and some more fruit in the afternoon, and then like this have my evening feast. That’s typically how I like to structure my days… detoxing and cleansing all the way through dinner.

I love that Thanksgiving can be a delicious treat without gluten, dairy, or eggs.

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Intuition Training Tools

What is intuition?

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

-Albert Einstein

Intuition or the ‘gut feeling’ is the ability to gain immediate understanding without the agency of conscious reasoning.

Or in common language, when you’re thinking about your friend and then she calls you at that instead, and when you feel like you shouldn’t go to that party and then you see it on the news, or when you know it’s time to leave your job and take the leap yet there is no logical part of this decision.

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The Secret Gift in Your Sensitivity

Highly sensitive people, empaths, anyone who has been deemed sensitive this is for you!

TRUTH: if you are sensitive, you have a gift!

What makes us sensitive enough to house chronic illness or autoimmune disease in our body also means we have a superpower.

No, I’m not necessarily talking about scaling skyscrapers and bending spoons. I’m talking about the untapped GIFT in your sensitivity.

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Healing from Toxic Relationships

You probably clicked on this title because when you read the words “toxic relationships” and someone from your past or present came to mind. You thought, “oh no, could this relationship be toxic?!”

When you first met this person, it felt like a match lit, instant chemistry, your dream person right here in front of you. Then before you knew what happened that burning match turned into a forest fire ablaze. Instant chemistry that soon engulfed you in uncontrollable flames. Now all you know is that you feel like you’re on fire and you’re getting burned.

How did this happen? Where did the relationship go wrong? We can find ourselves playing out the past repeatedly in our mind unable to find resolution.

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Building Your Miracle Morning Routine

The alarm clock goes off after 12 hours of sleep and you can barely remember what day it is and get out of bed. I get it. I’ve been there after years of struggle with chronic illness.

Before I was sick, I trained myself to be a morning person. 5 AM workouts before heading to the hospital for a 7 AM shift.

Then chronic illness hit me. I was no longer the same person. Not my body nor my mind could get me out of bed before the sun. For those of you struggling with your health you may need to work up to early mornings. Even on the other side of healing early mornings will likely never be easy but guaranteed they will be transformative.

Whether you are a healed chronic illness warriors or feel decent but want to feel even better, this is for YOU.

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What Can Muscle Testing Tell You About Your Health?

Everything is energy.

Every single person has a unique energetic blueprint.

Every living and nonliving thing carries a frequency.

Muscle testing stated simply, displays the relationship between your body and a specific food, pathogen, toxin, or chemical. A muscle test can also be used to determine the functionality of an organ or organ system, as well as imbalances in chakras that affect the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual body. Even stored emotions or trapped trauma will show up on a muscle test.

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Your DNA is Not Your Destiny

If our genetic code really does determine our health then why am I here today having reversed all eight of my chronic disease conditions- all of which possessed a genetic link according to medical doctors?

I'll give you one word that is hardly ever taught in medicine and will potentially save your life. That word is epigenetics.

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Viral Pandemic or Worldwide Immune System Collapse?

There’s no judgment or condemnation if you’ve received or want to receive the V or you haven’t received the V.

Allow me to give you an alternative medical perspective not widely portrayed by the media. This won’t be the last time we’re faced with a V decision.

C 19 is not a viral pandemic; this epidemic is rather magnifying an immune system collapse worldwide.

What have we done to ourselves, to our immune systems; poisoning our bodies, allowing a simple RNA infection to collapse our planet??

Our bodies are poisoned & our souls are misaligned. Enough so that a simple viral pandemic can completely throw our world off its axis.

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