What Can Muscle Testing Tell You About Your Health?

What can muscle testing tell you about your health?

A quick, effective, and noninvasive applied kinesiology test, also known as “muscle testing” can dialogue with the innate intelligence of your body to give incredible details about your health.


Everything is energy.

Every single person has a unique energetic blueprint.

Every living and nonliving thing carries a frequency.

Muscle testing stated simply, displays the relationship between your body and a specific food, pathogen, toxin, or chemical. A muscle test can also be used to determine the functionality of an organ or organ system, as well as imbalances in chakras that affect the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual body. Even stored emotions or trapped trauma will show up on a muscle test.

See how this works in the video below.

What is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing is used as a language to communicate with the body's innate intelligence which is governed by a greater (divine) field of intelligence. The same field that tells your heart to beat and that tells a zygote to form a beautiful infant life is the intelligence responsible for a muscle test.

Muscle testing is accomplished by applying moderate and precise force against an arm, leg or other body area of a patient who is simultaneously resisting in the opposite direction.

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

Applied Kinesiology is a system that assesses bodily function. It shows us where there is potential dysfunction as a result of mental, chemical, or physical stressors. Muscle testing is simply the instrument that is used to assess the dysfunction. The actual muscle test should be thought of as a function of the nervous system rather than the “power” the muscle is capable of producing. AK is another clinical tool in the practitioner’s tool box along with categorizing symptoms, assessing blood work, and creating a thoughtful health history timeline. When muscle testing is used in conjunction with other forms of evaluating the person’s health, treatment can result in the resolution of the root cause that is leading to the body’s dysfunction. 

In Applied Kinesiology, something mental, chemical, or physical going on with the body can neurologically make a muscle “weak”. A “weak” muscle does not correlate to how many pounds the bicep can or cannot curl, rather refers to the neurological pathway from afferent muscle spindle to the cerebral cortex and back down to the efferent neuromuscular junction that is being disrupted by an energetic force either mentally, chemically, or physically. 

I like to say our symptoms are our best biomarkers for our internal health. My close second favorite biomarker to use in my functional medicine practice is muscle testing. Surprisingly enough blood chemistry or lab work follows.

A blood test, MRI, ultrasound or other traditional western medicine methods cannot test in the same way to give you the same intuitive, internal results that a muscle test will provide. Many clients have felt heard, even astounded, as a muscle test clearly validated what they felt was going on all along, when another doctor had told them “it’s all in your head”.

A muscle test is not meant to replace Western medicine methods as this test does not diagnose or treat disease.

Rather a muscle test can help the practitioner assess the need, apply the need, then observe the result.

Extremely linear and analytical minds will likely need to experience the test for themselves. With no previous history and without you telling me what’s going on in your body how could I possibly know that you just had strep throat last week, gluten laden pasta last night for dinner, all the while you're feeling shut down at work and unable to speak your truth leading to a blocked throat chakra??? 

 How can a muscle test tell me this as your practitioner? 

Muscle Testing.jpg
  • I place a vial with Strep A strain molecular frequency (not the actual bacteria) in your energy field and your muscle I'm choosing to test immediately goes weak.

  • I place a vial with the frequency of gluten in your field and your muscle goes weak, along with the physical symptoms of dark circles indicating an allergic reaction.

  • I place a vial with the frequency of a throat chakra and your body indicates a weakened energy center by a weakened muscle test.

  • One super interesting test to note, oftentimes thyroid disease will begin to heal just by clearing the blocked throat chakra. This is my story along with several of my clients to date.

A muscle test can also help determine which foods enhance our health and energy and which foods deplete our bodies, as well as supplements that will help bring our body back into balance. 

Everyone has a unique bio-energetic blueprint. A muscle test helps discover the right nutritional and nutraceutical therapy for each individual. Performing a muscle test for a client is extremely important before prescribing medication for symptom management or recommending nutraceutical supplementation for healing.

Other Fascinating Ways Muscle Testing Can Be Used:


If you have a kidney infection or stone, a muscle in the lower back (trunk extensors) will become very spastic. When this occurs the hip flexors (psoas muscle) will become weakened by a process called reciprocal inhibition. The psoas muscle is related to kidney function, therefore a weak psoas could be related to a kidney deficiency. Applied Kinesiology can also be used to determine whether specific foods and other substances may be contributing to health problems.

When it comes to muscle testing we can test food intolerances, best medication/supplements, blocked energy centers, organ system dysfunction, and some even believe the innate divine intelligence can respond to questions not related to our health. Try this by muscle testing yourself (shown in the video below) and asking the test what your name is. This test is just beginning to be understood by science, as the proof is in the clinical evidence pudding. This test is invaluable in helping to heal the root cause of dysfunction in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body.


Would you like to set up a virtual or in person muscle test consultation for yourself?

 Let’s chat!

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