Posts tagged energy medicine
Root Cause Research on Autoimmune Disease

Ten years and 8 autoimmune/chronic conditions into remission later I can tell you there is SO MUCH misinformation when it comes to autoimmune disease.

Even our medical professionals don’t readily share the truth about your body’s ability to heal because they simply have been taught a different rhetoric.

Let’s reprogram your rhetoric right here, right now, with the fact- filled research.

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I AM WOMAN: Introduction

Whether you are wanting to have a baby, never want to have a baby, or your body does not contain the full anatomy necessary to have a baby, DON'T STOP READING!

You are energetically a woman and this is for you!

You have a pituitary gland as well as any other reproductive organs like breasts, ovaries, uterus, cervix, and vagina that create a flow of feminine force within you. You are energetically composed of greater proportions of feminine versus masculine energy. You are woman!

Whether you are menstruating, menopausal, post-menopausal, or transitioning anatomically, you are influenced and affected by your hormones, the earth, and the moon. I’m going to teach you all about what this means for you!


Learning to understand & trust the intuitive flow of the feminine body is the most powerful tool we can harness as creators, mothers, sisters, teachers, leaders, and humans. BOTH SEXES benefit from women being in touch and in tune with their feminine nature.

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What Can Muscle Testing Tell You About Your Health?

Everything is energy.

Every single person has a unique energetic blueprint.

Every living and nonliving thing carries a frequency.

Muscle testing stated simply, displays the relationship between your body and a specific food, pathogen, toxin, or chemical. A muscle test can also be used to determine the functionality of an organ or organ system, as well as imbalances in chakras that affect the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual body. Even stored emotions or trapped trauma will show up on a muscle test.

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