All Disease Begins in the Energy Field....But How?
Trauma & Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune disease warriors, PLEASE READ HERE! I have a secret that has been kept from you.
Put down your sword, this is no longer a battle. When we understand what is truly occurring in our body with autoimmune disease we can heal FOREVER.
My most important message I give to our community of those who have/had/or will have autoimmune disease:
So if autoimmune disease isn’t the body attacking itself then what is it?? It is your body’s energy field is severely burdened by pathogens, toxins, and trauma!!!
Okay, okay, okay I know, I used to roll my eyes at the word trauma and think “that’s cute”. I mean I grew up as a middle class, Caucasian female in suburbia. I’m pretty sure I’m fine with all that trauma talk.
My first trauma healing (energy) session… I literally told my practitioner to flip off after I was crying and shaking and didn’t know what they had just done to me. I was in shock. I had no idea I even had trauma living in my body. I was in somewhat of a protective denial.
Here’s the thing: trauma is trauma. Whether you capitalize it with a big T or your traumas feel less significant like a teacher shaming you or a minor physical injury as a child. Trauma is trauma whether you stubbed your toe or you were severely beaten and abused by your family, YOUR BODY DOESN’T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
That’s right, the body can’t see if your traumas are Traumas or traumas. Your body just keeps the score and carries the burden until you wipe that scoreboard clean sister!
Adverse Childhood Events aka Trauma
Not too long ago I was watching a documentary about prisoners and Adverse Childhood Event (ACE) scores. All prisoners had scored 6/8 at least for the ACE quiz given to them on film. I took the quiz alongside them and realized I had the same score. That’s when it hit me, adverse childhood events & trauma turned outward can lead to crime and then to prison for some. For others, adverse childhood events & trauma if not turned outward and instead turned inward leads to immune system collapse….eight (8) different autoimmune diseases in my case.
When enduring trauma as a child we believe one or two things to protect oneself. The person inflicting the trauma is a bad person. Or we believe when that person is a loved one or parent the child then adopts the only other mode of protection and believes “I am a bad person, this is my fault” this then creates the belief the child is unlovable and worthy of basic needs for health and vitality to be met. This is when trauma begins to manifest inward as disease.
Additionally, when a child feels anger she threatens her ability to fit in and survive in the family unit. When she tries to lash out and express anger she is punished, threatened or abused. In order to survive, the anger is then suppressed. The body will always keep the score and this anger from the abuse the child is enduring will be stored in the body (specifically the liver) and then can create multi-system organ dysfunction we call autoimmune disease.
My Story
At the crucible of my healing journey, autoimmune disease was up by 50 points and my body was down by negative 10 points. I had no offense and no defense. On the offense, I had very little knowledge on what foods to eat to heal my body other than Instagram fads and influencers encouraging me to drink apple cider vinegar for my horrid GI situation (which is awful for you by the way!). On the defense, I was in even worse shape, my immune system was easily pummeled by any food trigger, common cold, toxic fragrance, or stressor compounding my already trapped emotions. My offense was not going after the stored trauma making me sick. In fact, it was far from this strategic healing approach! Drinking and late nights out at the bars were my antidote of choice, a place where I could feel high and not have to feel my lows lurking deep within my tissues. This distraction therapy was, in fact, wrecking my body + immune system, let alone suffocating my soul trying to speak to me.
All Disease Begins in the Energy Field
When I found energy healing I truly began to heal.
I began to engage with the trauma from my childhood that was keeping my body in an always fight or flight, sympathetic nervous system state. I began to see the hardest moments of my life thus far as moments my soul had chosen as a part of my human experience. Moments I would experience deep human emotion and pain, but would ultimately be used for good in God’s divine plan. My body could begin to relax and finally heal its own energy field.
Each session would take me deep within only to release me back outside of myself lighter and more free than ever before. I had been in talk therapy, which was wonderful for my conscious mind to heal, but the trauma was mostly stored too deep within the dark caverns of my subconscious mind to be talked about. Memories and experiences I had either suppressed or glossed over as normal/fine/not that bad came up to be healed and released simply by working through the energy, the event, the emotion the body had stored dutifully. This healing required profound delta, gamma, and theta brainwaves to reprogram and clear my ways of knowing and being in the world. The little girl that had been programmed, accepting trauma as her norm, had been reborn with a completely new reality.
An important note I want to make as a food-worshiping functional medicine practitioner: food (and supplements) will only get us so far, they will not get us “all the way” there. There had to be a trauma to create imbalance in the energetic field and allow a root cause pathogen or toxicity to take place. Think of your energy field like a giant arc of protection around you. Sensitive souls naturally have a bit of a spacing in their field to allow energies in and out more readily, that is how they intuit the world around them so easily. When a sensitive being undergoes intense trauma, that energy field splits even further as the spirit does not feel safe and partially exits to exist right above the body. It is like the spirit is saying, “oh no, no, no I am not going back down there into that body where I feel pain” and hovers just around the body in the energy field. That is precisely how we survive in survival mode.
Healing our bodies requires us to fully integrate back into the body. Sometimes that means healing can be hard.
How is all disease beginning in the energy field?
Let’s use a common inflammatory “autoimmune” gastrointestinal disorder as an example…
Crohn's disease, for example, begins with a compromise in the root chakra (responsible for supporting the immune system and feeling safe in the body). This root imbalance can further pull energy from the sacral and solar energy centers creating discord in the reproductive system and upper GI digestion. The body is living in a constant state of fight or flight and has not relaxed since the trauma. The nervous system running haywire is depleting the immune system. Energetically, the body needs a constant pacifier for the extreme pain and inflammation to not be felt. Most of us turn to addictive foods, digital dopamine hits, the high life of partying, or substances themselves, anything but to feel the energy of the trauma stored deep within the root chakra.
To heal, what is there to allow to happen in your body?
First, using food as medicine to drastically reduce inflammation levels so the body can physically feel like a safe place to be.
Secondly, the deep energetic work, being led into the stored energies by a practitioner to safely and effectively remove them.
Lastly, what do we then see?
The body NEVER attacks itself- this is a theory that has not been proven by science, it is simply a theory. We find the physical root cause such as a pathogen or toxicity, we find the energetic root cause such as stored emotion & trauma, we remove them from the body, and we finally HEAL.
Yes, it is really that simple.
Clients often say to me, “Jen, that is really all I had to do to feel this way again?” Yes, it’s really that simple, except we’re programmed to believe that our bodies are broken and we are victims of our circumstances.
Healing Inspiration for You
Can we ever fully erase what we endured? No.
Can we alleviate the body of the energy it carries as a physical burden? Yes.
Imagine a body not constantly fighting the trauma from life stored in the body alongside the viruses wreaking havoc on the nervous system. Do you think that body would have to worry about every single morsel of food ingested and whether or not it would create a reaction? Likely, no!
Energy Healing for Autoimmune Disease
Energy healing, or deep subconscious emotional work (beyond talk therapy), will be effective in removing the energy the immune system is handling and responding to 24/7 just as it responds to chronic viruses, bacteria, and parasites in the body. The immune system responds to foreign frequencies whether a pathogen or an emotion. Trapped trauma makes us sick!
You see we are a spirit living in a physical body. We are 50% physical body and 50% energy body. To only treat the physical body in healing is to never fully heal.
Take my words, take my journey, take the inspiring stories of my clients and remember that we are not special.
We are made from the same cells by the same Creator as you, you too can heal my friend!