That Magic Moment

Daily meditations in nature, yoga overlooking the ocean, waterfall hikes, journaling in a hammock, therapeutic massages, organic food, energy healing, somatic movement and dance - all of these amenities had opened me and released me from within myself to prepare for this moment. You know that magic moment we sign up for when we excitingly book a retreat with the hopes it will serve to be transformational? The story I’m going to tell you was that moment.

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What it Means to be NORMAL

Sometimes I just feel out of this world, kinda.

“Why can't I just eat like everyone else? Why am I so sensitive to everything around me? Why is my body so broken? I just want to be 'normal' was my rhetoric for years.

But then I thought..

Do you really want to be “normal” though Jen?

Do you really want to be like everyone else in a society that sets us up for anything but success in our health for body, mind, & spirit?

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Lichen Sclerosus Complete Healing

Lichen Sclerosus Complete Healing

“For every physical ailment there is a spiritual root cause.”

I remember hearing this quote several years ago, knowing it rung true to me, but not quite sure how.

What if there was a way to heal our physical bodies through accessing our spiritual selves?

Over the last two years working with clients I have found myself embodying this approach to functional medicine care at the core of my practice.

This 25 year old female’s particular case study illustrates this very quote. We began our journey together in hopes that possibly her perineal and labial tissues would one day be intact. Within 6 weeks this became her reality. However, what she soon noticed was even though the physical symptoms were healed, her emotions created acute flares and spiritually she felt adrift. Through our work she began to draw parallels between her physical health and the relationship between her emotional and spiritual health.

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An Open Letter from a Partner with Autoimmune Disease

I gave this letter to a client to use to share with her husband when she couldn’t yet articulate the words that an invisible illness was stirring inside of her.

That is the hardest part of chronic illness. Sometimes you look fine while you feel like you’re slowly wasting away on the inside. When we’re in the throes of chronic illness we’re not even sure of ourselves and it can be really hard to reassure our loved ones that we want to be healed.

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Energy Healing into Complete Autoimmune Remission - Part Two

What are emotions?

They are energy in motion. What about the role they play in the body’s vital organ health? Think of your body like a six lane highway with the traffic being life force energy, chi, prana, spirit of life running up and down through every cell. Trapped emotions in the body lead to lane closures and stagnant traffic. What happens now? The low frequency energies are causing a traffic jam of energy bringing your highway down from six lanes to three, two, or even one.

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How the Keto Diet Wrecked Me

Are you on the fence about going keto?

Have you read some pretty convincing literature that this diet could be your golden ticket to healing?

Or maybe you’ve had personal experience losing a ton of weight with this diet?

If this way of eating is detrimental to your vital organ health long term then why do so many people see results immediately upon ditching the carbs? How does the keto diet reek havoc on the liver?

And finally, when is the keto diet even medically indicated?

Sure, the counter literature is out there bringing to light why keto isn’t so glorious after all. However, from my personal experience and research, the counter evidence is not the literature that is promoted nor highlighted.

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