Viral Pandemic or Worldwide Immune System Collapse?

No matter what side of the fence you’re on this is for you 💉



There’s no judgment or condemnation if you’ve received or want to receive the V or you haven’t received the V.

Allow me to give you an alternative medical perspective not widely portrayed by the media. This won’t be the last time we’re faced with a V decision.

C 19 is not a viral pandemic; this epidemic is rather magnifying an immune system collapse worldwide.

What have we done to ourselves, to our immune systems; poisoning our bodies, allowing a simple RNA infection to collapse our planet??

Our bodies are poisoned & our souls are misaligned. Enough so that a simple viral pandemic can completely throw our world off its axis.

So, what do we do?

Do we cover up a poisoned, weak body with a Band-Aid to blindfold the infection until a new pathogen is at play?

Then we will need yet another injection, pill, & lock down that further burdens the immune system?

All of this drives the nervous system into a sympathetic, fear-driven state only to throw our bodies into further dis-ease and out of healing homeostasis.

When do we stop and say enough is enough?

I’m choosing to look within for my answers, my healing and my strength.

I choose to neglect the fears of others around me and instead go deeper into my healing and ask hard questions.

How did we get here to this pandemic?

What part have they played unknowingly? How can I begin to help myself revive a weakened immune system designed to naturally fight viral pathogens without the side effects?

This V absolutely includes scary side effects - a whole new level of lockdown. You can learn more specifically here.

How do I heal my inner trauma to avoid engaging in the toxic name blame?

I see V promoters drinking Berkey water while consuming only organic produce. On the flip side, there are anti V’ers eating Velveeta cheese from microwaved plastic. Both sides are to blame; both sides are guilty – we all are. Every single one of us can do better! When we know better, we do better.


How did we get here?


  • Blame

  • Ego

  • Lackadaisical

  • Ignorance

  • Enervation

  • Fear

At the end of 2021 how about we praise planet earth for the soul level wakeup call and get back to the root of this immune system pandemic? How?

We can start by looking at the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and choosing to address the hard facts outside of our comfort zone. We can begin to look within for the healing instead of running to blame others or reach for a drug so we can resume our old sleeping lives.

Our trauma causes us to look outside of ourselves for a solution, a cure or a trauma pose is the opposite opinion as the perpetrator – not the ignorance/disbelief at hand.

We’re creating dramas through our traumas.

God lives in everyone. The person you can’t stand with a different opinion. Yep they’re a reflection of our Creator too. And they’re not to blame! If we’re blaming another person or people for this, we’re not awake to reality.

We are attempting to create a manifest destiny over our genetics, over our Creator. We are taking over nature and saying we know how to do this better, all wrapped in an altruistic mission that is pretty darn convincing.

Bottom Line

Let’s quit blaming the opposing opinion and see that we all have had a part to play in how we got here. All of us, every single human, has a part to play in where we will go from here.

Let's wake up, and each take on our portion of responsibility.

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