Posts in Functional Medicine
What Can Muscle Testing Tell You About Your Health?

Everything is energy.

Every single person has a unique energetic blueprint.

Every living and nonliving thing carries a frequency.

Muscle testing stated simply, displays the relationship between your body and a specific food, pathogen, toxin, or chemical. A muscle test can also be used to determine the functionality of an organ or organ system, as well as imbalances in chakras that affect the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual body. Even stored emotions or trapped trauma will show up on a muscle test.

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Your DNA is Not Your Destiny

If our genetic code really does determine our health then why am I here today having reversed all eight of my chronic disease conditions- all of which possessed a genetic link according to medical doctors?

I'll give you one word that is hardly ever taught in medicine and will potentially save your life. That word is epigenetics.

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Viral Pandemic or Worldwide Immune System Collapse?

There’s no judgment or condemnation if you’ve received or want to receive the V or you haven’t received the V.

Allow me to give you an alternative medical perspective not widely portrayed by the media. This won’t be the last time we’re faced with a V decision.

C 19 is not a viral pandemic; this epidemic is rather magnifying an immune system collapse worldwide.

What have we done to ourselves, to our immune systems; poisoning our bodies, allowing a simple RNA infection to collapse our planet??

Our bodies are poisoned & our souls are misaligned. Enough so that a simple viral pandemic can completely throw our world off its axis.

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What it Means to be NORMAL

Sometimes I just feel out of this world, kinda.

“Why can't I just eat like everyone else? Why am I so sensitive to everything around me? Why is my body so broken? I just want to be 'normal' was my rhetoric for years.

But then I thought..

Do you really want to be “normal” though Jen?

Do you really want to be like everyone else in a society that sets us up for anything but success in our health for body, mind, & spirit?

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An Open Letter from a Partner with Autoimmune Disease

I gave this letter to a client to use to share with her husband when she couldn’t yet articulate the words that an invisible illness was stirring inside of her.

That is the hardest part of chronic illness. Sometimes you look fine while you feel like you’re slowly wasting away on the inside. When we’re in the throes of chronic illness we’re not even sure of ourselves and it can be really hard to reassure our loved ones that we want to be healed.

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How the Keto Diet Wrecked Me

Are you on the fence about going keto?

Have you read some pretty convincing literature that this diet could be your golden ticket to healing?

Or maybe you’ve had personal experience losing a ton of weight with this diet?

If this way of eating is detrimental to your vital organ health long term then why do so many people see results immediately upon ditching the carbs? How does the keto diet reek havoc on the liver?

And finally, when is the keto diet even medically indicated?

Sure, the counter literature is out there bringing to light why keto isn’t so glorious after all. However, from my personal experience and research, the counter evidence is not the literature that is promoted nor highlighted.

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Why I Don't Love Food Sensitivity Testing

“You’re allergic to nightshades.”

“Avoid tomatoes at all cost.”

“Don’t eat high FODMAP foods like watermelon and celery that will flare your SIBO.”

Sound familiar?

This was my reality for far too long. I was avoiding all the foods on my high dollar food sensitivity test yet I was not healing, in fact my symptoms were getting worse.

At some point my healing journey I started to get so frustrated with “listening to what the doctors said” and ignoring my own bodily urges for foods I was CRAVING that would heal me.

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