Posts in Case Studies
STATIN SECRETS- is your Rx increasing your heart disease risk?

Statin drugs are unnecessarily prescribed 75% of the time. According to a study published in Lancet, cholesterol medication works only for those people who have already had a heart attack. Statins don’t work for the 75% of people who’ve never had a heart attack, which is most of the people taking the drug!

Unfortunately, doctors often prescribe medications like statins to keep cholesterol levels low. But these drugs can introduce a whole host of problems including muscle damage, brain damage, memory issues, Parkinson’s- like symptoms, and muscle aches and pains.

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Lichen Sclerosus Complete Healing

Lichen Sclerosus Complete Healing

“For every physical ailment there is a spiritual root cause.”

I remember hearing this quote several years ago, knowing it rung true to me, but not quite sure how.

What if there was a way to heal our physical bodies through accessing our spiritual selves?

Over the last two years working with clients I have found myself embodying this approach to functional medicine care at the core of my practice.

This 25 year old female’s particular case study illustrates this very quote. We began our journey together in hopes that possibly her perineal and labial tissues would one day be intact. Within 6 weeks this became her reality. However, what she soon noticed was even though the physical symptoms were healed, her emotions created acute flares and spiritually she felt adrift. Through our work she began to draw parallels between her physical health and the relationship between her emotional and spiritual health.

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