Posts in Women's Health
Sometimes I still hate my body.

Do you ever just hate your body and wonder why your body can’t keep up with what you’re asking it to do?

I can get soo mad at my body when she doesn’t keep up with the breakneck pace I’m running at or especially around the holidays when I want to ingest poison then ask my body “would you just deal & carry on normally okay?”!?

Let me share with you what happened this Thanksgiving & then all the insight that followed.

The holidays, especially Thanksgiving, have always evoked shame for me in my body as I cannot just eat and drink what everyone else does. But this year was much worse.

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Are Your Hormones Out of Whack?!

Are your hormones out of whack? Maybe you just feel a little “off” or you lab work came back concerning. If there is an abnormal fluctuation in your hormones chances are your likely feeling the effects on your body. For women we notice changes in our monthly cycle, low energy, weight loss resistance, hot flashes, brain fog, thinning hair, brittle nails, dry skin, low libido or mood and energy irregularities. Men may notice low energy, weight gain in hips, pecs or thighs, thinning hair, low libido, impotence and oftentimes anger/irritability. 

So what causes our hormones to go into disarray? Often times we think “my hormones are out of whack so now I have this chronic condition. PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, endocrine disorder, low testosterone, etc.” What came first the hormone imbalance or the diagnosis? The chicken or the egg? Instead of playing the blame game to infinity, let’s examine the real culprits of hormonal dysfunction. 

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Healing your skin! (+ my personal journey with cystic acne & eczema)

Eczema, acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, dark circles, rosacea, urticaria, itchy skin these are all skin conditions we may view as disruptions to our external body requiring topical treatment. To truly heal your skin, we must look within the body. Our skin is really just our largest organ, an accurate depiction of our internal health. It is possible to have clear skin, poor internal health, and a great deal of inflammation. However, it is impossible that an eczema flare, cystic acne breakout, or fungal infection of the skin is not a result of an internal infection, inflammation or overall disruption of the body’s homeostasis. You can achieve that clear, youthful glow of your skin you desire at any age! The path to get there begins with examining your internal health, with the vehicle being nutrition.

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Disordered Eating + why you can't stop your body's cravings!

Disordered Eating

Restrictive diets, cheat meals, and binging were a common pattern of my past that quickly led to a struggle with disordered eating, a struggle that would go beyond the desire to control my food intake and body size. This pattern in my life fueled the fire of my autoimmune disease and made healing nearly impossible for a very long time. Not only were my physical eating habits alarming, but my mental health and thought patterns concerning food were in a desperate need of a paradigm shift.

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Healing isn’t perfection +5 easy steps towards better health TODAY!

A small word of encouragement for someone looking from the outside in to the window of making a change for their health: 

Healing isn’t ALL or NOTHING! 

Change can come from small steps starting where you’re at, then working towards YOUR greatest potential! What it takes for one person to feel better may not be what it takes for you. Extremes are not apart of a healthy lifestyle. 

That means abiding to a way of healing + living that is causing you more stress than before is not conducive to your goals!

Yes, making change means sacrifice, but it shouldn’t feel like a struggle every single day. The only plan that will work for you, is one that is sustainable and fits your lifestyle.

ANY little (imperfect) step you take today will result in tremendous benefits in your body and feeling better tomorrow!

That doesn’t mean you have to climb up the entire staircase.  

Just up one step at a time, at your comfort level, at your pace, until you see the results you’ve been looking for. 

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What You May Not Have Been Told About Birth Control

Let’s talk about birth control, shall we?

To be honest I was pill popping anti contraceptives since my late teenage years. Why? Because the pill promised me things like: clearer skin, reduced cramping, lighter & shorter periods, as well as pregnancy prevention should I need it. “WOW what a miracle drug!” I naively thought. To top it off all my friends were doing it too! They all had their birth control alarm set on their phones and the FOMO in me was like “I gotta have this in my life!” However, later down the road I started dealing with the complications that come with unnatural contraception methods. Read on to learn the details of my story, how the pill negatively affects your health, & discover alternative options that may be the best option for you in this season.

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My Healing Journey with Chronic Illness

Long gone are the days of endless fatigue, joint pain, anxiety, eczema, brain fog, itchy/tingly skin, weight gain, recurrent strep and sinus infections, bloating, gas, hormone instability, painful menstrual cycles, cystic acne, constipation, diarrhea, frequent bouts of gastritis, and overall poor quality of life. My body had reached it’s breaking point and was screaming for my attention. My health took a drastic turn leaving me sick, angry and couch-ridden. Little did I know God was about to take me onto a path that would challenge me, break me, bless me and build me back up all through chronic illness and autoimmune disease.

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How God Blessed Me with Autoimmune Disease

To get my life back I had to surrender my idea of what I thought I wanted it to look like - God’s idea has been much better!

In 365 days time, I went through the hardest physical struggle of my life followed by the worst heartache and hurting I didn’t even know I could feel. BUT GOD was and is faithful. He never left me or had forsaken me!

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