You're NOT FAT you're INFLAMED
Do you ever feel just kind of, puffy? You can’t say that you’re “fat” because you move your body well and still encompass a healthy body shape. You eat better than 90% of people you know, yet you still find yourself struggling with your target waist size. What gives??
I would like to suggest to you that you are indeed not the word “fat” (as much as I despise that label), you are instead dealing with a great deal of inflammation in your body. So what is inflammation exactly? Inflammation is an immune response that occurs in the body to PROTECT itself against a pathogen, infection, illness or injury. So YES! Your body is doing you a favor, it is protecting you!!! That’s why you feel puffy. Not because your body is betraying you or is simply out of control, your body is wise and knows something has entered that you need protection from.
You know right before you start to come down with a strep infection your throat and head start to swell and hurt? Or when you bang your knee against something and it is swollen for the next 3 days? Those are all examples of acute inflammation. Your body does the same thing when you consume an inflammatory food or breathe in putrid chemicals, except creating chronic inflammation. Your body inflames and sends fluid with immune properties to the space surrounding cells as a means of protection, which adds excess fluid and weight on the body. The same goes for if you’re trying to gain weight. Our cells can not receive nutrients and hormones needed when they’re surrounded by inflammation. You may not have love handles but your inflammation is manifesting in a different way such as weight loss, migraines, anxiety or depression.
So what is your body protecting yourself against? We all have pathogens inside our body such as viruses, bacteria, and toxic heavy metals. When we eat foods that feeds these pathogens ( dairy, gluten, refined sugar) these pathogens flourish and our body goes up in arms! Excess swelling and fluid accumulates in your tissues from food-induced chronic inflammation. Once we remove these inflammatory foods and bring in healing foods that can rid these pathogens out of our bodies, we heal, and unintentionally we lose weight. An anti-inflammatory lifestyle will be the easiest and MOST EFFECTIVE diet you have ever tried. I am proof!
Left: High inflammatory lifestyle
Right: My current lifestyle
Once you shed the layers of inflammation in your body and begin to heal, the weight just falls right off. Your body in it’s natural homeostasis is a fit, lean body. This body you have acquired that you feel like has rebelled against you and piled on the pounds has actually been serving you your whole life. It loves you unconditionally and no matter the foods/products you consume, it is still working for you. Imagine what your body can do for you when you start to fuel it with the healing foods and healthy thoughts? Just think about the energy you would have and how good your body could feel. You know that dream body of yours you no longer think is achievable? Do not throw in the towel yet, sister (or brother)! There is a solution that WILL work for you once and for all. It starts and ends with lowering your inflammation and healing your body.
Three things you can do TODAY to reduce your inflammation:
Eat more plants! Fresh living fruits and vegetables in their purest forms!
Eliminate dairy & gluten! (Read more here)
Move your lymph through hot yoga, sauna, or light sweat-inducing exercise.
NOTE: Our circulatory system (heart and lungs) have a pump to perfuse your body with oxygen and circulate your blood. However, our lymph system does not have its own pump, we must do the work for it! Our lymph will just stay chillin’ stagnant with all the toxic debris our immune system has destroyed and eliminated. If we don’t move the lymph around by MOVING our bodies in a restorative, cleansing way we don’t ultimately excrete these pathogens.
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started I am just a DM away. Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Send me your questions & connect with me on social media!
Read more about my story below!