Posts tagged chronic illness
STATIN SECRETS- is your Rx increasing your heart disease risk?

Statin drugs are unnecessarily prescribed 75% of the time. According to a study published in Lancet, cholesterol medication works only for those people who have already had a heart attack. Statins don’t work for the 75% of people who’ve never had a heart attack, which is most of the people taking the drug!

Unfortunately, doctors often prescribe medications like statins to keep cholesterol levels low. But these drugs can introduce a whole host of problems including muscle damage, brain damage, memory issues, Parkinson’s- like symptoms, and muscle aches and pains.

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What You May Not Have Been Told About Birth Control

Let’s talk about birth control, shall we?

To be honest I was pill popping anti contraceptives since my late teenage years. Why? Because the pill promised me things like: clearer skin, reduced cramping, lighter & shorter periods, as well as pregnancy prevention should I need it. “WOW what a miracle drug!” I naively thought. To top it off all my friends were doing it too! They all had their birth control alarm set on their phones and the FOMO in me was like “I gotta have this in my life!” However, later down the road I started dealing with the complications that come with unnatural contraception methods. Read on to learn the details of my story, how the pill negatively affects your health, & discover alternative options that may be the best option for you in this season.

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My Healing Journey with Chronic Illness

Long gone are the days of endless fatigue, joint pain, anxiety, eczema, brain fog, itchy/tingly skin, weight gain, recurrent strep and sinus infections, bloating, gas, hormone instability, painful menstrual cycles, cystic acne, constipation, diarrhea, frequent bouts of gastritis, and overall poor quality of life. My body had reached it’s breaking point and was screaming for my attention. My health took a drastic turn leaving me sick, angry and couch-ridden. Little did I know God was about to take me onto a path that would challenge me, break me, bless me and build me back up all through chronic illness and autoimmune disease.

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