Weight loss RESISTANCE!

weight loss resistance

You’ve counted calories, macros, carbs and have gone keto but you still can’t lose weight. You’re tired, frustrated, sick of seeing everyone else’s progress pics, and at this point you downright believe there is just something broken about your body.

That’s been my story too sis, so what gives?

Throughout my healing journey I have strived to encompass a variety of body types: from bodybuilder, to cross fitter, lean vegan, I’ve literally tried at all. On my journey to uncovering the body that feels my best, works my best, and serves me the best I have learned several key things.

why can't I lose weight?

#1 There is more than one way to lose weight.

There is the traditional manipulate calories, macros and exercise model which I tried for years. I will never forget the day in college when the coach I had hired to craft the perfect diet and exercise plans to make me look like one of those girls on stage, said this to me

“Jen you’ll start to see the results you want to see you when you get honest with me about the box of donuts or the pizza you’re secretly eating on the weekends. “

binge eating

HOLD THE PHONE. I was so ticked at the statement I about threw my phone across the room and out the window. I was doing everything he told me to: every hour of fasted cardio before the dawn, counting every single carbohydrate I put my body, weighing every gram of protein on my digital scale, and never missing a lifting session.

However I could never lose the weight, my body just would not morph into what we were trying to achieve and as a result, I thought something was wrong with me. I felt like my body could not be trusted and I needed to wage war against my body for any major weight loss to finally start happening. Something my coach and I both didn’t know that day was this..

What my body needed was deep healing and that is why I couldn’t lose the weight.

In my ego mind I could not see past the perfect abs I wanted, instead, I was willing to make my body suffer and strive before I ever paid attention to her warning signs. Symptoms of inflammation and dysfunction were going off like smoke signs all around me, all I could focus on was the number on the scale. I never thought for a second, loving and healing my body would get me ANYWHERE.

healing for weight loss

That brings me to the second weight loss key..

#2 Healing the body is the way to weight loss

What if we tried to heal our bodies first? What if we addressed the root causes of our underlying hormonal imbalance, sluggish thyroid, and impaired GI function? What if we looked at weight loss as a top down approach; healing our physical, emotional, mental, even spiritual blocks to weight loss instead of beating the fat off our backs with fasted cardio and low carb diets. Looking at weight loss from the bottom up approach; counting calories, carbs, or even macros leaves us short sighted and unable to achieve the desired result.

I literally tried everything. And the weight loss never came until I address my symptoms, my lab work, and the right HEALING foods for my body.



So what’s the true cause of weight loss resistance? Almost everyone I work with who is desiring to shed a few extra pounds is already eating perfectly for their body and is no stranger to the gym or regular movement.

If this is you, like these individuals, were likely dealing with a sluggish liver, toxic gastrointestinal system, overwhelmed adrenal glands, and some form of hormonal imbalance. Sounds complex, but the healing approach is simple and many are surprised at how quickly changes begin to take place.

Most have tried anything and everything from weight loss diets, hormone replacement therapy to pharmaceutical fat burners yet they still cannot budge the pounds.

Insert nutritional therapy and deep body healing here.

What is different about this approach and why does it actually work?

When I work with people we get to the “root cause” of their weight loss resistance. Usually we start by doing the detective work to identify physical causes and as we dig deeper we uncover emotional, mental, or spiritual symptoms to be healed.

Is your weight loss resistance physical? Insulin resistance, fatty liver, low testosterone, excess estrogen, “leaky gut”, hypothyroidism, the list goes on and on and on.. These are all conditions that can be stopped in their tracks with proper nutritional therapy and healing guidance through a functional medicine model.

Let’s chat emotional root causes that are almost always playing into the weight loss resistance paradigm. Why do we crave the foods we do, or even the amounts we eat? Do we feel safe or shamed and rushed when we eat? Do we view foods as black and white? Do we punish ourselves or make our body pay in the gym if we splurge on a meal out? The emotional eating is just as important as the inflammation and toxicity patterns at play.

What I wish someone would have told me is this

“Jen, what your body really needs right now Is healing. She needs you to concern yourself with the symptoms she is giving you. Once you shift your focus to loving & healing these little white flags of fatigue, hair thinning, brittle nails, puffy face & belly, then the weight loss will come. And it will come with ease, not this grind and beating yourself down with workouts and diet plans.”

weight loss journey

Moving Forward..

Let me ask you one more time..

What if there’s a different way to lose weight and love your body for the very first time?

I mean it when I say this, your body is naturally a lean, fit and healthy body

Underneath the inflammation, toxicity, emotions, trauma, etc. your body is a NATURALLY lean & healthy body!

You are not fat, you’re simply inflamed!!! (read more)

What is causing this inflammation? Why is the body retreating into survival mode? How are your emotions driving your weight loss resistance?

This is the work we can do together to uncover.

When it comes to weight loss “the grind” may no longer work for you, and this approach has never been healthy.

There are two ways to lose weight, don’t let it be harder than it must be for you.

If you need support of a community around you join my private Facebook community.

Watch my webinar FREE to you below.

This is the information that would have saved me time, energy, and heartache. 

Or reach out and let’s begin your healing journey TODAY!

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