Thyroid Dysfunction: It's Not Genetic, It's Energetic
Wondering if your fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, thinning nails and other thyroid symptoms happen simply because they “run in the family?”
Your thyroid symptoms are ENERGETIC, not GENETIC in nature.
Your thyroid is energetically struggling sister!
What do I mean?
The frequency of foreign invader pathogens are creating a damper on your thyroid function.
The frequency of the foods you’re consuming are not a match for your thyroid to heal
The frequency of trapped trauma in your body is heavy and impedes immune function.
The frequency of your limiting beliefs are holding you back from true HEALING!
Sure, 5% of all our disease is genetically linked, but ONLY when the organism (us) is operating outside of the laws of nature (how we’re designed to live- opposite from society).
When it comes to thyroid disease (and all autoimmune conditions) in the body...
The is good news, YOUR BODY CAN HEAL!
What Your Thyroid Needs
The mineral salts in celery juice🌱
+ the nourishing glucose in fruits 🍒🍇🍎🍉
+ the calming effect of 🥔 🍠
+ the immune boosting properties of iodine💊
+ the vitamin D in nature☀️
+ the trauma relief of energy healing😮💨
= the beginning of remarkable healing for your thyroid✨✨✨✨✨
Myths & Truths About Your Thyroid
MYTHS about your thyroid
Your thyroid gland is being attacked by the body
You need to have your thyroid surgically removed to heal thyroid disease
Synthroid or Levothyroxine is the only way to regulate thyroid hormones
Goitrogen foods (broccoli, cabbage, kale) should be avoided with thyroid disease
TRUTHS about your thyroid
Your thyroid gland has an infection that is impeding function
You can keep your thyroid gland and still heal!
You can use medication or FOOD AS MEDICINE to restore your hormone levels
Your body needs “goitrogen” vegetables to heal, in both raw and cooked form!
Notice they’re all myths.
The problem isn’t your thyroid gland, the problem is your doctor has never been tough the truth about thyroid disease.
Your root cause is never a “bad body”.
Your root cause is a collection of infections and toxicities in the body.
Your doctor isn’t bad person, they are a product of a broken system.
Your body is not confused and broken, we are confused and our healthcare system is broken!
Thyroid Labs
“We are cost effective nurse practitioners and we only ever start with a TSH to test our patients thyroid.”
This was literally what one of my highly renowned instructors said in school..
Why is a standard TSH, even with only a T3 and T4 a problem???
Because the TSH will only show a complete collapse of the thyroid gland. There must be a 35% decrease in thyroid function before blood work will acknowledge that your symptoms are legitimate.
So many clients have their labs drawn and their doctor says “they’re normal”.
Yeah, normal according to the ranges above meant to keep you away from surgery and medication.
The TSH (standard lab value drawn) may or may not be normal according to functional ranges, but the TPO or thyroid antibodies (what we REALLY need drawn) will tell us more about the inflammatory process taking place at the thyroid site.
Furthermore, even if the TSH is normal the body could be working hard to compensate while the TPO is extremely out of range indicating the thyroid is struggling with a foreign pathogen infection!
Find a practitioner who will listen and dive deeper into your health with you!
Getting to Know Your Thyroid Gland
From Hashimoto’s disease to a healthy thyroid I can promise you this…
Your thyroid gland isn’t a problem organ to be removed, it is your body’s most sensitive messenger! When the thyroid gland is creating symptoms in the body, it is time to listen!
Your thyroid gland’s messages do not need to be suppressed with medication or surgery if you are interested in pursuing root cause healing.
You can find the root cause of your thyroid dysfunction…
Nutrients for Thyroid Regulation
SELENIUM: In several studies, selenium is inversely correlated with thyroperoxidase antibody (TPO Ab) & with TSH. What does this mean? The more selenium you consume the happier your thyroid levels!
ZINC: Your thyroid loves zinc, especially for your hair and nail growth!
Studies have shown that Zinc deficiency lowered free T3 & free T4 concentrations by approximately 30%.
Low levels of free T3 and normal T4, but elevated rT3 are associated with mild to moderate Zinc deficiency.
Taking oral zinc supplements for 12 months normalized the serum free T3 and total T3 levels, decreased the Rt3, and normalized TSH levels.
IRON: Recent studies reveal, serum iron concentrations were lower in participants with subclinical hypothyroidism than other subjects. Your thyroid gland needs iron to function!
IODINE: Disclaimer, Iodine can be a double-edged sword! Lab values both low and high in iodine are associated with hypothyroidism.
Studies that have shown that both low and high urinary iodine excretion are associated with hypothyroidism.
High intake of iodine also increases the risk of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
It is important to work with a knowledgeable practitioner for guidance.
VITAMIN A: Your momma always told you to eat your fruits and vegetables for a reason! Vitamin A deficiency can decrease thyroidal iodine uptake, increase thyroid size, reduce hepatic conversion of T4 T3, and result in moderate increased TSH.
VITAMIN D: low vitamin D is highly correlated with autoimmune thyroid disease! In one study, vitamin D deficiency was significantly higher in patients with AITDs compared with healthy individuals (72% versus 30.6%; P<0.001), as well as in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis compared to patients with non-AITDs (79% versus 52%; P<0.05). Get in the sun and snack on your shiitake mushrooms for better health!
How Your Thyroid Disease Began in the Energy Field
What if I told you that your thyroid disease is not due to your faulty genetics, confused immune system, or hormone imbalance?
I am telling you this because that’s 👆🏽👆🏽not the truth.
The truth is:
You’re an empath, highly sensitive person. This means you have an open energy field that is a gift in allowing you to feel for others deeply and be highly spiritually in tune. This also becomes a challenge when a pathogen like a virus is surveying your body for a low frequency center to sink its roots into. At the time you encounter this pathogen you’re also experiencing trauma that is causing a power shortage to the energy center/organ it chooses to inhabit. An infection brews as the immune system is fatigued from the stress response. The thyroid is working but the immune system is firing attacks to the intruding virus and the thyroid tissue is simply in the war path.
YOUR BODY IS NEVER ATTACKING ITSELF. Your body is fighting the foreign invader that happens to be resting in the organ affected.
❌stop feeding the pathogen it’s favorite foods
❌stop believing your body is attacking itself
✅start to debride the body of stored trauma and stuck energy
Thyroid Disease Looks Like…
Eating all the healing foods and correcting all the nutrient imbalances in the body WILL HELP YOU HEAL.
Will the physical healing help you heal 100%??
That’s like asking will installing the fire alarm get you out of a burning building?
We are 50% physical body and 50% energy body or soul.
Our healing must encompass both food AND energy as medicine.
I was about 80% healed before I started energy healing. Then my body began to soar to new levels. I started opening up my vessel to allow years of trauma to be cleared and my body to be set free.
We are a soul having a human experience.
We cannot ignore the soul and ask the body to heal.
Want to learn more about energy healing?
Jen’s top three products for thyroid health…
Zinc supports overall health and is present in all tissues, organs, and secretions of the body. The B-Complex provides essential nutrients needed for numerous systems and biochemical reactions. Iodine is an important nutrient we all need. It is essential for healthy thyroid function, hormone balance, and metabolism. Magnesium is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats, as well as energy production and the utilization of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Try any of these to upgrade your systems!