I AM WOMAN: Introduction

Whether you are wanting to have a baby, never want to have a baby, or your body does not contain the full anatomy necessary to have a baby, DON'T STOP READING! 

You are energetically a woman and this is for you! 

You have a pituitary gland as well as any other reproductive organs like breasts, ovaries, uterus, cervix, and vagina that create a flow of feminine force within you. You are energetically composed of greater proportions of feminine versus masculine energy. You are woman!

Whether you are menstruating, menopausal, post-menopausal, or transitioning anatomically, you are influenced and affected by your hormones, the earth, and the moon. I’m going to teach you all about what this means for you!

Did you know you actually have an advantage just by being a woman???

Learning to understand & trust the intuitive flow of the feminine body is the most powerful tool we can harness as creators, mothers, sisters, teachers, leaders, and humans. BOTH SEXES benefit from women being in touch and in tune with their feminine nature. 

When we learn more about our hormones, our cycle, the moon, and our intuitive gifts as women we step into the divine powerful forces we are created to be. We help heal society, and make the world a better place to be!

Here is where we’ve been led astray…

We grow up hating our periods. “Ugh, I'm on my period” we hear our BFF say the first thing when we get to school. “Just get on the pill” we hear the safeguards of our health, our doctors, say to us when menstrual symptoms are not ideal. We are taught to idealize skipping our monthly rhythm, be confused about our hormones, silence our intuition, and pay no attention to the moon.

Then we wonder why we are submissive, depressed, chronically ill, and sometimes infertile as a gender species. 

When we understand our bodies we can harness their power and unlock the divine codes that lie within our DNA.

Allow me to give you a sneak peek on a few topics we will be covering throughout this blog series.

So please, send me your questions/comments/concerns as we get started, and let’s do this ladies!!! 


Lunar Flow - Cycle Synching to the Moon


Understanding where we are at in our menstrual cycle along with corresponding moon cycles WE CAN FINALLY WORK SMARTER AND NOT HARDER LADIES!!!!

We can set the intention to bleed with a specific phase of the moon according to the season of life we are in and watch how this practice invigorates our lives. 

Beginning to understand our cycle and when precisely in the month to be a boss babe or when to be a stay at home hermit depends on the juxtaposition of our body and the moon. This lunar cycle synching allows us to stop criticizing, punishing and judging ourselves for when we as women feel like we need a break during our luteal and menstrual phases and therefore release the expectation on ourselves to carry out the energy and vitality we have during our follicular and ovulatory phases. We may tire more easily than our masculine counterparts but this drop in energy according to our cycle is leading us to nurture ourselves for more intuitive inspiration and creation to come forth through our bodies in the very next part of our cycle.

PHEW! There is a time and a place for everything under the moon.

Fertility from the Earth

Ladies we harness the power to divinely create masterpieces and to birth life from our bodies while on Earth! So the next time we get frustrated with our painful menstrual cycle (which is totally not normal and we will address!) or wish we were able to pile away the chips and salsa like our men and still keep his lean build. Let me remind you of the upper hand we actually hold within our feminine physique. We are the only sex that can receive the punt of sperm from our masculine counterpart and with that simple receiving create a life in our bodies and then birth it to the world for greater good. 

We can thrive and feel our best while growing another human in our uterus for nine whole months contrary to popular belief. 

How fascinating that our bodies know intuitively what to do to grow all of the parts of a little baby without any control, stress, or planning on our end. Wouldn’t it be nice to birth all of our creations in this way on Earth? Well stay tuned.. Because the wisdom of the egg isn’t just for creating little babies, it can be for businesses and dreams alike!

Women and the Chronic Illness Epidemic

You don’t see many men sidelined by nagging chronic illness and mystery symptoms. Call it spiritual warfare or call it the probability of a hormone profile, whatever you call it, allow yourself to wake up and see what is happening. We are led to loathe our bodies when in fact we are kept blind to believe that our bodies are sick and attacking their own tissues instead of the foods we’re taught to consume and the medication we’re led to rely on is normal and healthy. Puh-lease, our bodies are an incredible self healing mechanism. The woman’s body operates off of a monthly cycle. The man’s body operates off of a daily 24 hour cycle. The rise of chronic illness and primarily women has to do with society not out bodies betraying us: we are going against the grain of how our bodies want to live and operate, we are ingesting poison, and we are systematically educated to ignore our power. We will deep dive into this as we go along!

How did we get here?

I’m no historian but I did get a stellar grade in my college history classes because I understood what the books were saying: women have been SILENCED. 

I first fell in love with studying this submission of the female voice as I began to study the life of the greatest human to ever walk the planet, Jesus. I couldn’t help but be super curious about his relationship with Mary Magdalene. In my opinion, the two most incredible forces alongside a man in leadership are the Spirit of God and the intuitive knowing of a woman. My curiosity led me to a search about the left out details concerning Jesus’s relationship, partnership, and his ministry with Mary Magdalene. This woman… Let me tell you! She was incredible. She wrote her own gospel that was left out of the Bible. She was so powerful that the Roman empire silenced her and wanted her completely out of history. If the intuitive knowing of women can be suppressed then all of humanity can be oppressed. God speaks to us through our bodies and that inner knowing that shouts at us at times! The greatest atrocities in history were, I’m sorry fellas, but carried out by the male rational mind (no female intuition in sight) and the oppression of women and children. 

Of course, I am not volunteering women to go to the front lines of battle. To be honest, how many of those battles are actually necessary? How many wars have we engaged in that we’re not out of protection and rather out of a masculine force to control a situation. A woman can’t fight like a man because in her intuitive knowing she knows it’s not the way. A woman can’t grind like a man because in her intuitive knowing she knows it’s not the way. A woman can’t protect like a man because she knows it’s her feminine way to be a receiver, a nurturer, and a vessel. Men can be men, and women can learn to be in their power!

This brings me to my most favorite topic we will cover…

The Way of the Egg AKA the Biological Art of Manifestation!

Because we live in a patriarchal society that reflects the experience of a man we have not been taught the way of the egg. The egg, she simply is, she simply bees, and she waits to receive. She doesn’t run up and down the fallopian tubes wondering if the sperm is going to see her. She doesn’t hang out at the cervix wondering if he’s coming. She doesn’t check her phone or ask her friends if she thinks she will be fertilized. She simply emits the signal that sends the energy as to what she is ready to receive and waits in her feminine beingness.

As women, we are programmed from the masculine experience to think we have to go get everything we desire and create with our own force denying our divine feminine power. 

Let me tell you what, the egg is not lazy!!! As a busy body myself I can fully say in this way we can learn the egg ALREADY has everything she needs inside of her to create her dreams (a human life) as well as what she will need in the future to nourish and provide (the egg has a picnic of energy for the sperm when she receives him and they travel together to their implantation site with plenty of snacks- HOW COOL).

She’s not lazy. She doesn’t have to strive. It is all already within her for the present and the future. 

Your body is wired for this egg wisdom. There is nothing new you need to become or to learn, you simply are remembering your innate essence. 

You no longer need to strive to understand or to receive a fancy new certification that feels out of reach.  You are simply coming home to your body and your beingness. 

I CANNOT WAIT to teach you more!

Last but not least…

How to Heal Your Hormones + the DUTCH test 

I’m sorry ladies but the biohacking secrets they teach to us online have only been studied in men and in rats. When it comes to health, healing, and hormone optimization we are so often trying to force our round bodies into square holes and then wondering why we feel awful and hate the way we look! 

We are confused as to what is actually a normal menstrual cycle and have never been taught by our doctors to understand when we ovulate as a prime pregnancy prevention method! We feel frustrated with our femaleness and end up frustrated. No more of this ladies, we can love our bodies and feel the way we crave to feel. So go ahead and throw that male body blueprint out the door and get ready to learn about how to heal your hormones so you can be YOU again!

Closing thoughts…

I am learning more about this every day along with you too sister. I don’t have it all figured out nor will I ever while I’m on this side of heaven. But what I do know is that we can do better, that we can step up as women in our God-given DNA and with our divine dynamic blueprint we can change the world. We can allow the world to leave its heavy, linear & 3-D structure and step into a new earth full of inspiration, vitality and higher frequency vibrations. 

So are you in?? Are you ready to embark upon this series with me???

Make sure to subscribe to my blog and follow me on social media so you don’t miss these upcoming posts!!!

Jen’s top three recommendations for hormone imbalance..

Hormonious offers adaptogen support to unwind your body into a state of natural hormone production. The iodine will support robust thyroid hormone as the cocktail nourishes stressed out adrenal glands for optimal function. Together these three heal the broken feedback loop responsible for hormone decline!