Posts tagged weight loss
Weight loss RESISTANCE!

You’ve counted calories, macros, carbs and gone keto but you still can’t lose weight. That’s been my story too sis, so what gives?

Yeah I could never lose the weight, my body just would not morph into what we were trying to achieve and I thought something was wrong with me. I felt like my body cannot be trusted and I needed to go to war against my body for weight loss. Something my coach and I both didn’t know that day was this, my body needed healing and that is why I couldn’t lose the weight. But in my ego mind I could not see past the perfect abs I wanted I was willing to make my body suffer and strive before I ever paid attention to her warning signs.

There is more than one way to lose weight.

What if we tried to heal our bodies first? What if we addressed the root causes of our underlying hormonal imbalance, sluggish thyroid, and impaired GI function. What if we looked at weight loss as a top down approach healing our physical, emotional, mental, even spiritual blocks to weight loss instead of beating the fat off our backs with fasted cardio and low carb diets. Looking at weight loss from the bottom up approach counting calories, carbs, or even macros leaves us short sighted and unable to achieve the desired result.

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