Let's get FERTILE: Learning to Live from the Wisdom of your Womb

Hey ladies!

Wanna know a secret? Something you’ve likely never been told by any other medical professional..


Thyroid disease is a modern-era common diagnosis or suspected diagnosis at least and here’s what patients are being told...

According to allopathic medicine, your thyroid is under or overactive OR your body is no longer recognizing your thyroid in your immune system is attacking the gland.

Lay aside all medical hierarchy and trust yourself as the authority for a second…

Your body is the way in which your soul speaks you into alignment.


Put another way, your health, the way you feel on any given day, is the body’s way of communicating whether you are in alignment with the food you eat, the thoughts you think, and the people you meet.

Your soul chose the very body you are sitting in right now. Your soul and God knew this body would be the perfect vessel for this human experience you have signed up for!

Here is why it matters to you:

Your body literally holds the answers to whatever you want to conceive in your life.

The energy your body harnesses to CONCEIVE life is one of the most important things about you as a woman! Whether that be conceiving a business, a baby, or a beautiful life partner THIS MESSAGE APPLIES TO YOU!!!

What do I mean? You have divine feminie life force energy flowing through every vein, every meridian, every cell in your body. Only the female body is the cosmic slip ‘n slide between heaven and earth. In not so proverbial speech, you have a portal between your legs and the energy of creation brewing in your womb space.

“The same power that created the body, heals the body, guides the body, & speaks through the body.”

Your body is a vessel, a reservoir for divine energy to flow through you and CREATE.

You have the power to create: babies, businesses, and works of art!

So why do so many women feel like “I’m just not fertile” or “I’m not very creative”?? Because this energy within them is blocked!

So let me help you by giving you my Let’s Get Fertile Checklist, my gift from one sister to another. :)

Why? Because when you show up in your creative genius that gives me, and all our or sister friends the opportunity to do the same.


Here are the five things you need to get fertile when making a baby, a business, or a beautiful life you crave!!


  1. Know your body’s rhythm

    So you can better understand when your energy is best primed for inspiration, creation, doing the work, and when to recover and rest!

    The easiest way to begin is to get to know your body!

    Start tracking your hormones simply by becoming the observer of your flow.

    a. Start using an app to track your menstrual cycle. If you don’t menstruate, track the cycle of the moon! (more on this in THIS BLOG)

    b. Start using ovulation tracking methods: strips, thermometers, cervical mucus and even cervical position. When you are ovulating, your cervix may be higher in your body, softer like your lips, and more difficult to reach. When you are menstruating your cervix is more firm like your nose and lower in the vagina.

    c. Start using a planner to track your energy and mood- you will see this correspond with your cycle and the moon cycle. I love Kate Northrup’s Do Less Planner for this!

  2. Support the body’s rhythm

    a. Food is the strongest form of medicine or the slowest poison. If your body is constantly using her energy to detoxify a low frequency diet, how can she support your cells in creating new life or new endeavors??

    Need a healing quick start? Check out my one day detox guide here.

    b. Endocrine disruptors- perfumes, febreeze, scentsy, candles, clorox, hairspray, bath & body works, the list goes on and on… What is the problem with the stuff that smells good? These products DISRUPT your ENDOCRINE system. In simple speech, this toxic crap might smell good but it is crashing your hormones & immune system, and killing your body’s ability to conceive! I promise.

    Need a fragrance alternative for home, car, and body? Get on board with essential oils here.

    Need help understanding your personal hormone pattern? Consider a personalized DUTCH test and consultation. More to come on all things hormone and hormone testing in this I AM WOMAN series.

    c. Hormonal Birth Control- listen, I LOVE that women have an option to prevent unwanted pregnancy in this era. I HATE that women are not educated by their providers before being handed their birth control. Informed consent is the law, but not always practiced. Let me clue you in on a few pieces of information to consider when choosing which family planning route is best for you and your body in your current season. Read all about birth control here.

  3. Feel to heal

    It’s really that simple. Feel it to heal it, sister. Unfelt feelings, buried emotion, and trapped trauma create energetic blockages that lead to physical dysfunction. Your body is a physical representation of your energy field, heal your energy and you heal your body. Completing the emotional cycle will help clear the nervous system and the energy field of stuck energetic junk.


    Try this with me for a moment. Hover your hand just 1-2 inches above the area right below your belly button. How does it feel? Warm and active? Cool and at rest? This is your sacral chakra.

    The sacral energy center is the home for creativity, intuition, expression, life force, and joy in the body. This sacral center governs fertility, sex organs, and kidneys. When we unintentionally shut down our emotions to simply survive, we kill our creative potential. Breathwork, yoga, somatic movement/dance, meditation, journaling, and energy healing can be practices you begin to unblock your precious sacral center. More on how energy can help heal you here.

  4. Live close to the Source!

    Spend time with God whether that means in nature, in the Bible, in meditation, in plant medicine, in spiritual books, or in worship, find what makes you feel connected to the energy that created you and get intimate. Talk with God, write to God, go hiking with God, ask God to show you signs and miracles in your life. Sit quietly and listen to this Source. Notice your body respond! To be creative we must be close to the creator source. Your inspiration, your ability to bear life, this all comes from the Creator!

  5. Co-create in your unique genius!

    Everyone, yes EVERY ONE, even Karen down the street without an expressive and kind bone in her body, has a creative gift, a work of art only she can bring to this world. The most impact you will ever make on this world will be through your creativity. Birthing a baby that ends world hunger, writing a book that inspires millions to heal, or making a nourishing meal that feeds your family the nutrients they need to go out and create requires you to be in your unique zone of creative excellence.

    Here are a few ways you can open your Sacral center daily and feel the creative life force energy run through your body brining you vitality:

    1. Make art on your easel

    2. Make love with your partner

    3. Make war with your keyboard and write!

    4. Make a playdate immersed in nature hiking, doing yoga, or lying in the grass.

    5. Make a new hair style and recreate your wardrobe to resemble a new version of you!

    6. Make it a priority to step out of linear masculine thinking & doing and into femiine being & creating. Your body, mind, heart and SOUL will thank you.

Questions? I would love to hear from you! Drop me a line below..

For more functional medicine fertility and feminine energy tools follow along my blog series:

I AM WOMAN over the next coming weeks!

Be sure to subscribe below!

Jen’s top three products for hormone health…

Teas of raspberry leaves were given to women of the Cherokee, Iroquois, and Mohawk nations in North America, and have earned approval of the authoritative British Herbal Compendium. Vitex supports physical and emotional health during a woman's menstrual cycle and in the transition into menopause. Blossoms of health tea is a spirited and uplifting infusion blend that is beautiful to look at and deliciously tasty!