Posts in Functional Medicine
Weight loss RESISTANCE!

You’ve counted calories, macros, carbs and gone keto but you still can’t lose weight. That’s been my story too sis, so what gives?

Yeah I could never lose the weight, my body just would not morph into what we were trying to achieve and I thought something was wrong with me. I felt like my body cannot be trusted and I needed to go to war against my body for weight loss. Something my coach and I both didn’t know that day was this, my body needed healing and that is why I couldn’t lose the weight. But in my ego mind I could not see past the perfect abs I wanted I was willing to make my body suffer and strive before I ever paid attention to her warning signs.

There is more than one way to lose weight.

What if we tried to heal our bodies first? What if we addressed the root causes of our underlying hormonal imbalance, sluggish thyroid, and impaired GI function. What if we looked at weight loss as a top down approach healing our physical, emotional, mental, even spiritual blocks to weight loss instead of beating the fat off our backs with fasted cardio and low carb diets. Looking at weight loss from the bottom up approach counting calories, carbs, or even macros leaves us short sighted and unable to achieve the desired result.

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Giving Birth During a Pandemic

COVID-19 happened and now you’re left with more questions about where to have your baby than ever before.. You didn’t envision needing to consider even more safety and risk factors surrounding your birth, and now maybe you do not feel safe in your original intended place of birth. As a nurse and doula I have witnessed birth in all three of your optional locations and will share my insight with you.

Where a woman chooses to give birth should be without judgement, just like passing judgement upon a family who chooses to wait to find out the sex of the baby.

Above all know this mommas: where you choose to give birth is where you will find your power. Where you choose to give birth is entirely up to you with the help of your medical provider and unbiased research on your own. Where you feel most safe giving birth will ultimately be the best choice for you.

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The Highest ROI in Healthcare + the EASIEST way to start feeling better today!

What if I told you to pay me ten dollars and I would give you back one hundred? Would you do it? The same concept applies to investing in your nutrition by means of food preparation weekly or daily in your kitchen.

Why should you invest your time or money in food prep?

We think by eating convenience foods we're really saving time.

How do you look at time? As an even exchange rate? I beg to differ. Sure, ordering take out saves time cooking, but is the food you are eating making you a more energetic & productive human being? Subway sure is quick but does it really matter when you could spend thirty minutes preparing a meal in exchange for premium fuel in your body that will allow you to work three times faster, have a ten times longer attention span, decrease your anxiety levels 90%, oh, and allow your body to require less sleep? This is the highest return on investment in healthcare!

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Gut Health 101- 4 Steps to a Happy, Healthy Gut!

Think of the gastrointestinal tract like a river.

When the GI microbiome is out of balance the river becomes toxic, seeping with bad bacteria and unable to sweep food through at an effective rate.

When our digestion falters the body becomes sick and the liver grows weak from being overburdened.

Digestion further slows due to reduced bile production from a weakened liver and more bacteria breeds along the lines of the intestines. This is when disease and disorder begins to ensue within the digestive tract. Gas, pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea are common symptoms from bacterial overgrowth. If you’re struggling with autoimmune GI disorders like colitis there is viral infection in your gut to be eradicated through various nutritional and herbal therapies.

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The #1 Lie You Are Being Told About Autoimmune Disease!

Autoimmune it really in your genes? Does having such a condition really mean your body is attacking itself?

How many of us have been led to believe that one day your body woke up and just magically decided to start attacking itself? How many of us have beat ourselves up thinking our genes are faulty, we’re just a less than specimen of the human race, and we must come to accept our life with chronic illness?

HEAR ME OUT: this is absolutely untrue. Your body is NOT attacking itself and your genes are not out of control.

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Food Allergies + "why I wouldn’t trade mine for the world!"

My name is Jen and I am a recovering food intolerance sufferer. 

But for real. I have had such intense food allergies in the past that eating gluten would keep me in bed the entire next day. I am happy to report that my reactions can be much less extreme, however, they still happen and I am incredibly grateful for my food allergies! Why on earth do you ask? Keep reading..

First, let’s address what is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance? Technically speaking, you can really use these two terms interchangeably as food allergy operates on a scale, the most extreme being I just ate a peanut and now my airway is swelling shut “PLEASE GET ME AN EPI PEN STAT.” On the contrary, maybe certain foods just make your eczema a little extra flaky or your joints a bit more stiff. In all actuality, your body is reacting to what is taking place within after you consume this food. The response may be an IgE immune mediated response (think anaphylaxis, can’t breath, and epipen) or an IgG immune mediated response which will give you cold/flu like or other unpleasant symptoms from eating your body’s forbidden foods. Either way, your body is having a reaction so the term you use doesn’t really matter. When you’re ordering at a restaurant just call it an allergy to avoid feeling lousy either way!

If you look deeper into most food allergies, what is happening is..

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8 Steps to HEAL Your Hormonal Imbalance, PCOS, & Endometriosis NATURALLY

Acne, hair loss, low libido, irregular menses, painful menses, hirsutism (excess body hair), mood swings, bloating, and fatigue are all symptoms of very common conditions so many of us ladies suffer from today! Either you, yourself, or one of your closest gals is struggling with a chronic condition listed above.

You know what? I am sick and tired of women just having to deal. These symptoms are not normal, and being told to live with these conditions is unacceptable. The healthcare system has to do better with treating chronic hormonal imbalance than how it is managing women’s health now. Giving us the pill or calling us “moody” is projecting the system’s ineptitude on the woman, which deflects responsibility. 

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