Posts in Real Talk
Do you believe you can heal?

Do I believe I can heal? Do I believe I am worthy of abundant health? Ask yourself these questions. Really sit within your center and let yourself answer. You may be surprised with what you hear.

We all have healing to do, whether that is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual healing. Sometimes we are needing to restore our selves in all areas of health. That is okay too.

Abundance is a by product of who you really are. That means an amazing quality of life is your birthright! Healing yourself includes sitting in your center and viewing yourself the way our creator made us: blessed, loved, unique, and WORTHY!

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How God Blessed Me with Autoimmune Disease

To get my life back I had to surrender my idea of what I thought I wanted it to look like - God’s idea has been much better!

In 365 days time, I went through the hardest physical struggle of my life followed by the worst heartache and hurting I didn’t even know I could feel. BUT GOD was and is faithful. He never left me or had forsaken me!

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