8 Steps to HEAL Your Hormonal Imbalance, PCOS, & Endometriosis NATURALLY

healing herbs for hormone balance

8 Steps to HEAL Your Hormonal Imbalance, PCOS, & Endometriosis NATURALLY

Acne, hair loss, low libido, irregular menses, painful menses, hirsutism (excess body hair), mood swings, bloating, and fatigue are all symptoms of very common conditions so many of us ladies suffer from today! Either you, yourself, or one of your closest gals is struggling with a chronic condition listed above.

You know what? I am sick and tired of women just having to deal. These symptoms are not normal, and being told to live with these conditions is unacceptable. The healthcare system has to do better with treating chronic hormonal imbalance than how it is managing women’s health now. Giving us the pill or calling us “moody” is projecting the system’s ineptitude on the woman, which deflects responsibility. 

high estrogen symptoms

When women are struck down by chronic conditions the life of our planet suffers. When we women are not at our best we’re being held back from connecting, creating, nurturing, loving and doing what we do best, uniting! Can you imagine a society where every woman was on her A game? When the women in a culture remain ill & disempowered, society remains heavy in masculine energy, where every man is out for themselves and we’re focused on structure and function versus flow and unity. We need a balance of masculinity and femininity to prosper and thrive. 

endometriosis vs pcoss

We ladies can change the way we live, work, and play by taking charge of our health. If you suffer from any of the above mentioned conditions or symptoms keep reading, this 8 step program will help you regain the freedom of health and quality of life you deserve sister! 

8 Steps to Healing Chronic Hormonal Imbalance, PCOS, & Endometriosis NATURALLY

#1 Healing Foods - hormone balance diet

We need to address our diets and the foods triggering our symptoms (ie dairy, gluten, soy are the biggest culprits). Sometimes it takes eliminating more than just these three perpetrators and identifying what other steps need to be added through individual nutrition consultation to reach further healing. If you don’t know where to start, start by eliminating gluten, dairy, and soy. (read more here)

You can also start to transform your diet to a plant based, living foods lifestyle. High fat and high animal protein at every meal is not helping your condition regardless of what you have been told. We have been told to avoid fruit, sweet potatoes, and starchy vegetables in exchange for eggs (the WORST thing you can be eating if you have PCOS, a later blog post on why), meat at every meal, and our green veggies sauteed in gobs of oil. Don’t oblige to the fruit fear* and trust that fruits and vegetables are the miracle drug for your hormonal imbalance!

Some quick suggestions:

-brassica family vegetables steamed or raw to detoxify the liver and help excrete excess hormones and pathogens in the body

-leafy greens at every meal, raw preferably, in a smoothie or salad!

-eat TONS of fruit, preferably eaten away from heavy fats and protein

-high quality fats (avocado, coconut oil, wild salmon) and high quality (grass fed/wild) meat in small amounts, think once a day at dinner max! We need to keep your blood thin, hydrated, and oxygenated to heal!

-buy organic when possible, glyphosate is increasing your toxicity and estrogen dominance in the body. Some organic prices can get outrageous, my advice is to buy organic in the Dirty Dozen and conventional in the Clean 15. 

#2 Blood sugar balancing - Liver detox

By strengthening the adrenals & healing the liver you are supporting the organs that work to balance your blood sugar (beyond your pancreas). When you're beginning your healing journey these organs are often overtaxed, weak which will require you to eat often, every 2-3 hours when awake. As you heal fasting will be a very powerful tool to help you detox even further. Intermittent fasting 10-16 hours is ideal then eating whole food sources, plenty of glucose-rich produce, and not overdoing fats and meats during your eating window. 

#3 Reduce Stress for total body healing

Your body is worth way more than a high stress job that is making you miserable. Once you heal your body you will uncover talents, gifts, and possibilities for yourself with your newfound health and energy you never dreamed possible. If you’re not working outside of the home or have you already live your dream lifestyle and still feel stressed.. quieting the mind, body and spirit in meditation daily is incredibly healing. If you don’t feel comfortable with meditation, a devotional time of prayer and journaling is incredibly healing as well. Connecting to your soul and our Creator will invoke a passion and purpose in you when you take the time to truly connect and hear from the God of the universe. 

#4 Eliminate Toxins and Chemicals

This is pivotal to relieve the endocrine system of endocrine disruptors that are prohibiting your body from producing and absorbing chemicals in healthy proportions. Cleaning products, beauty products, nail polish, perfumes, soaps, lotions are the biggest culprits. As you empty out the current products you’re learning are toxic you can begin to swap non organic products out with more natural solutions that will allow your body to breathe and hormones to hum along happily. 

#5 Hydration and Living Water

Hydration is key to flush excess toxins and hormones going rogue inside your body. Living water in the form of infused water with lemons, limes, grapefruit, ginger, mint, cucumber or any infusion you prefer! Also, fresh cold pressed juices are the purest form of hydration you can find and serve as meal! They contain the vital mineral salts and glucose your body needs to thrive.

#6 Get enough Sleep

Your new BFF as you delve into this healing process of balancing your hormones. 8-10 hours of sleep a night is a NORMAL amount for bodies that need healing. If you do not feel refreshed when you wake up this could be chronic fatigue in the body (which you are healing through these steps) or you may need to go to bed earlier and wake up early. The immune system works most efficiently from 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. If you can set your circadian rhythm to a farmer’s early to bed, early to rise schedule you will notice your body begins to feel more rested in the morning and you actually get sleepy around an early bedtime. The same schedules we’re creating for our toddlers’ sleep hygiene are the same schedules we need for ourselves when at the height of our healing journey. I understand this is not possible every night of the week, but you need to make this a priority 3-6 nights a week!

#7 Sweat and Elimination of Toxins

We have excess hormones in the body and are flushing toxins from deep within organs as we cleanse and heal. A daily sweat and daily (at least one MINIMUM) bowel movement are absolutely necessary to properly excrete substances that do not serve the body. There are specific xenobiotics (toxin or chemicals from foreign substances) that can only be excreted through sweat. I highly recommend attending hot yoga classes at a studio near you. Saunas or other general forms of exercise that gets you sweating are great alternatives as well. I do hot yoga 5-6 mornings a week on top of a few crossfit workouts a week. I get up at 5 am and go to bed very early because hot yoga is that important to my body. It has helped me immensely throughout my healing journey! Drinking celery juice or consuming a high raw produce diet will help you achieve the desired 3-6 bowel movements per day, guaranteed. 

#8 Use healing herbs to remove Toxins & Infections

You can detox through nutrition, sweat, fasting, sleep and herbal remedies as your last piece to the puzzle. Please master all prior healing steps before you worry about supplemental therapy. Supplements cannot enter and be synthesized into cells covered by inflammation and properly excreted along with the toxins herbals produce from die off in detox pathways that are backed up and not functionally optimally. 

PCOS healing

*Hand on my heart*

I promise you these 8 steps done with diligence and patience will work to heal your hormonal imbalance naturally. I’ve seen it work on my body, and I’ve seen it work in so many of my clients to date! Timing is different for every individual body. In one months time you should see noticeable changes. You may see all symptoms resolved within four weeks. Or maybe it will take four months, some women four years. It took me about one full year of commitment to healing my body before I felt like a different person. Two and a half years later and I can confidently say ALL of my chronic conditions/autoimmune diseases are in permanent remission. There were so many days in those years I wanted to give up! But I am so glad I didn’t. I know you will feel the same way.

To get started, I recommend that you write down the eight steps listed above, then write down your specific, individualized goal or plan for each one. Create a clear outline of the actions you need to take to heal your body. Then I want you to focus on the feeling that your body is already healed. Keep that at the forefront of your mind as you are creating a new life for yourself. Your mind is your most powerful weapon throughout your healing journey.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.

All my love sisters,
