December's SymptomLESS Healing Recipes

It’s the holiday season and one thing’s for sure— we all indulge a little at this time.

Check out these 3 recipes to help you on your healing journey especially during the holidays!

Are you looking for a fast, easy, and nourishing meal around the holiday season?

Try this delicious (and healthy) Veggie Pasta recipe. 🥗

Veggie Pasta

  • 1 package gluten-free pasta (I prefer Rice Ramen spaghetti noodles or Barilla Chickpea Rotin)

  • Onion

  • Garlic

  • Mushrooms

  • Zucchini

  • Or any other vegetable of your choice


  • 8-16 oz. Pomi (or other pure) tomato sauce

  • 2 medium sweet potatoes

  • 1 Tbsp fresh basil

  • Garlic, to taste

  • 1/2-1 c water


  • Saute onion garlic, mushrooms, zucchini, arugula or any vegetables of your choice

  • Steam or bake sweet potato until it is tender; remove skin

  • Boil water and cook pasta according to package directions

  • While pasta is cooking, add sauce ingredients to blender (without water) and blend until smooth.

  • Gradually add 1/2 - 1 c water until desired consistency is reached

  • Once pasta is ready, drain and add sauce & vegetables to pan, folding together.

Amino Acids, Proteins and Minerals? Oh my!

This spinach soup recipe is one of the best for hydration & nervous system regulation (which we all need more of right now).

Spinach Soup


  • 3 roma tomatoes

  • 2 celery ribs

  • 2-5 garlic cloves

  • 1/2 cucumber, peeled

  • 2 Tbsp honey

  • 1 Orange, squeezed

  • Cilantro

  • 1/2 jalapeno

  • LOTS of spinach


  • Blend in food processor to desired consistency

  • Add other chopped veggies, as desired (green onion, tomato, etc.)

Keep your fats & animal protein low when consuming potatoes with a meal to help with insulin resistance.

Make these as a side for your holiday meals!

Air-Fryer (or Oven-Baked) Famous Fries


  • Golden potatoes, sliced into wedges

  • Garlic powder

  • Paprika

  • Red pepper flakes

  • Basil


  • If baking, preheat oven to 400 F

  • Season wedges liberally

  • Fry in air fryer at 400 F for 25-28 min; or bake for 1 hour

Wishing you a Happy Holiday & Healthy New Year!

Jen’s top three products for gut health…

Zinc supports overall health and is present in all tissues, organs, and secretions of the body. The B-Complex provides essential nutrients needed for numerous systems and biochemical reactions. Unique vitamin C enhanced with flavonoids for antioxidant, immune, and vascular support. Try any of these to upgrade your systems!

Healing abounds,


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