Your DNA is Not Your Destiny

“Your grandmother has breast cancer and because you have the BRCA1 gene and a weakened immune system, you will too.”

“Your dad has thyroid disease, it is no surprise, inherent that you do too.”

“Your depression, well, that’s genetic or unknown and can only ever be managed by medication.”

“The psoriasis all over your body, is because your body is confused and attacking itself. We will have to give you a steroid with long term side effects.”

These are all statements I have been told by medical experts in the field throughout my life.

If our genetic code really does determine our health then why am I here today having reversed all eight of my chronic disease conditions- all of which possessed a genetic link according to medical doctors? 

I'll give you one word that is hardly ever taught in medicine and will potentially save your life. That word is epigenetics

The word “epigenetics” translates to “control beyond genes.” The field of epigenetics has scientifically proven that genes are not fixed entities and that environmental elements, such as nutrition, stress, and emotions, have the capacity to alter genes without changing their essential structures. 

Research has also shown that as little as 5 percent of cases of cancer and cardiovascular disease can be directly related to inherited genes.


Lifestyle and dietary interventions have been proven to reverse genetic activity and inhibit the growth of disease. That’s to say you’re literally in charge of how your genes express themselves.

The human cell is one large receptor organism. In order to carry out cellular processes it must receive a signal. That signal can come from several different input sources: genes, food, toxins, the environment, and most importantly THOUGHT.

Traditional Western medicine addresses physical conditions by offering pharmaceutical fixes, but drugs mute the very important signals sent by receptor and effector cells, which keeps people unhealthy.

Receptor proteins can read energetic signals, while effector proteins, which work in concert with receptor proteins, have the ability to spark physiological responses. The stimulus-response mechanism of the effector and receptor cells helps the body sense external stimuli and then respond, triggering specific biological responses such as fever, hormone production, or cancer fighting signals.

Perhaps you're experiencing a cascade of not so positive thoughts as you read this. 

“That could never be me!” 

“Does she even know what has happened to me?” 

I get it, I truly do. 

I truly understand the biochemical fact that occurs when we allow ourselves to ruminate on a negative thought, embodying this frequency as our own. Negative thoughts elicit a hormone cascade in the body releasing cortisol (STRESS hormone) into the bloodstream. How does this happen? A thought generated in the mind creates a negative frequency that lands right on the receptor protein. According to quantum physics, all matter is comprised of energy waves. Our thoughts, sent out to our cells as vibrational energy, have a tremendous impact on our health! It is normal and even healthy to feel non positive emotions, what we choose to make our mental chatter soundtrack will determine the matter in which cellular processes carry out in the human body, and this my friend is, GOOD NEWS!

Even more good news is that we have the ability to heal and reprogram the subconscious mind that controls a whopping 95% of our human behavior. What you consciously do is ONLY 5% of your day. Your subconscious mind has a direct effect on your cellular function. Beliefs you had instilled into your subconscious before the age of 7 are forever your inherent programming until you awaken to the reality that you are a sovereign being in control of your behavior. How can you heal the way your mind thinks and causes your cells to behave? Through healing the subconscious mind. This is where I recommend energy healing or working with an expert practitioner in the subject matter.

What else can you do to begin to take charge of your genetic destiny?


Lowering your stress levels will help you begin to guard against cellular deterioration. 

Healthy organisms rely on a balance of growth and protection to survive. Growth happens daily; billions of cells in the human body need to be replaced every day. Protection is the biological response to environmental dangers. However, being in this protection mode too long will interfere with cellular growth. Just like you’re not in the mood to reproduce when you’re stressed and anxious, neither are your cells! 

This is also a great example of autoimmune disease, when there is an unstable foundation (often found in the root chakra/energy center due to trauma) the immune system falters as the body’s energy is not going towards reproduction of cells any longer, and instead long term protection or survival mode from trauma continuing to live on in the body.

Sure, maybe you can’t leave your stress inducing, dead end job tomorrow, but you can begin to utilize your own time for stress reduction. 

A few of my favorite cellular regeneration methods include:

  • Life Changing Nutrition: besides your thoughts/energy the most important signal you choose to send to your cells is the food you eat. This is the nutrition I walk clients through to heal symptoms of autoimmune disease and live SymptomLESS! More information here.

  • Daily yoga practice: whether that is 5 minutes of cat/cow or a 60 minute vinyasa flow class, getting out of my mind and into my body leaves me feeling way better than before.

  • Meditation: 5 to 50 minutes, the time doesn’t matter as much as the intention to clear the mind for a few minutes every day. Did you know your blood chemistry will change significantly after a 20-30 minutes meditation. That means your body is healing, rejuvenating as you MEDITATE!

  • Journaling: it is therapeutic to contain your thoughts on paper than playing over and over in your mind.

  • Walks in nature: there is nothing more healing than nature!

  • Weekly-monthly energy healing: After years of receiving energy healing for my health, I continue to have sessions with my practitioner 2-4x per month. I am forever healing and evolving because of my commitment to my healing. 


Creating a regimen of self-care guards against chronic stress by getting the body and mind accustomed to being in a state of relaxation. The most important aspect of a stress-reduction strategy is that it fits seamlessly into everyday life. In other words, making this practice applicable into your life should not become its own stress. I started with 15 minutes of journaling or movement that has evolved over the years into a miracle morning routine. 

The study of how food and energy, or our thoughts, changes our epigenetic expression has saved my life, and the lives of hundreds of my clients to date. 

Arriving at this miraculous place did not come without healing my fears and dispelling my doubts. AND I GET IT, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE YOUR DOUBTS TOO! 

So what is my advice to you before you go?

We may not be able to control the past: the food we were fed as children, the medications we were given, the limiting beliefs that were instilled in us, but that does not mean we cannot begin to make small shits that lead to big changes today.

If you’re struggling with a serious health condition or nagging symptom there are three things I want to leave with you that you can do today:

  1. Ask questions!

    • Am I believing what I've always been told?

    • Am I afraid to question authority?

    • Could there be another way I have not explored yet?

    • Is fear my limiting factor?

  2. Consider a new reality

    • Food could really be my miracle..

    • Energy healing can really begin to help me change the signal I send to my cells..

    • Learning more about epigenetics can really help me too..

  3. Believe in miracles

    • “In asking for miracles, we’re not asking for something outside us to change, but for something inside us to change.” Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love.

    • That miracle is going to occur taking place in a signal from the brain to the cell on the inside of the body. That miracle is going to happen on the inside of you before the outside of you can begin to change. 

    • This is the biology of belief.

In conclusion, what have I hoped to get across to you in the last several minutes of your time spent reading this blog?


Our thoughts, not our genes create the reality in which our cells express themselves.

Thoughts carry energy, that is the energy the cells read to determine how to be well.


I am made with the same cells by the very same creator as you. I have had my miracle where my inner changed to influence my outer reality. I know you can have yours too.


Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton 

Bruce Lipton, PhD is a cell biologist and widely acclaimed public speaker. He is the bestselling author of three books including The Biology of Belief.

As always, if you have questions feel free to reach out to me

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