Nature's Top 5 Healing Foods

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When it comes to healing our physical symptoms we are overwhelmed with different modalities of treatment, information, and conflicting viewpoints from professionals we trust. Taking steps towards better health can feel like you’re blind folded swinging at a birthday piñata trying to hit the mark. Eat this not that, take this supplement first thing in the morning in bed lying supine and then again another 5 times that same day, oh and drink this kind of water with this packet of greens only between the hours of 5 and 7 P.M.

Do you catch my drift?

When I began on my healing journey I was not ready to take all the steps my body needed to heal fully. However, I was ready to begin making committed, POWERFUL efforts towards living a symptom-LESS life.

Today I want to share with you the Top 5 Healing Foods that you can begin incorporating into your daily or weekly diet plan. These five foods are potent, medicinal, and will bring about great healing change in your body. If you want to get started healing your body, but do not know where to start..begin with the following five!

Celery- Top 5 Healing Foods

Celery: you know the saying if I could only pick one food to live off of for the rest of my life it would be.. Well mine used to be ice cream but today I would have to choose celery. Why?! Because it is the most healing, potent medicine I have consumed thus far in my healing journey. Better than any supplement or medication I have ever tried. This stuff does it all! To experience the powerful benefits you musts juice it fairly large amounts. 12-32 ounces is what I recommend and just plain ‘ol celery. However, less is better than none and with apple is better than nothing at all. So start small and do what you can!

Let me tell you how this herb (it’s actually not a vegetable) can bring relief to your body. It’s truly the one drink heals all! Celery juice has been pivotal in resolving my eczema and acne by detoxing my liver and entire body, drastically improving my digestion through increasing bile production, strengthened my thyroid to improve energy, eliminated my brain fog, relieved anxiety/depression, restored adrenals, resolved chronic hydration through the mineral salts it contains, resolved body aches and pains, exponentially reduced inflammation in my body to resolve insulin resistance and stop me in my tracks to becoming pre diabetic, further reduced inflammation to balance hormones and allow my body to heal endometriosis, I have used it as a remedy for sore throats and gastroenteritis as it lyses open bacterial cell membranes, alleviated eye infections, and most allows me the ability to raise my vibration every single morning by consuming this living herb juiced! If I could only pick ONE thing for you to begin doing to change your health it would be to begin juicing celery or using a blender and then straining. For optimal results drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. 

Wild Blueberries

Wild Blueberries: second on my list but a close runner up! Wild blueberries are a WILD FOOD not modified or altered by us human beings & therefore contain natural intelligence. Think about it, you don’t have to tell nature or teach it to grow, survive, reproduce, and heal. The intelligence is innate in the plant itself, and when we consume these berries this blueprint to destroy pathogens and heal in transferred inside our bodies and our cells. 

Wild blueberries have the HIGHEST antioxidant content on planet! They are a miracle fighter of free radicals that damage our cellular DNA and make us sick. These little beads of goodness are soo nutrient rich as they contain medicinal levels of: zinc potassium, molybdenum, and have traces of omega 3,6, and 9 fatty acids! Wild blueberries are amazing for the GI tract as they are a prebiotic food, which you must have in tandem with taking probiotic! As well as a powerful brain food! Forget the bowls of nuts, seeds, and protein bars that are said to give your brain power, because let’s be honest, are they really? How about you try a bowl of wild blueberries or two cups of these blended into a smoothie with other fruits, greens, honey, fresh oranges squeezed in and water. You be the judge which gives you greater mental clarity and energy! :)

Healing foods Melon

Melon: cantaloupe and watermelon are my FAVES but truly any melon in the family consumed or juiced daily is going to drastically reduce your inflammation and greatly restore your body’s natural healing abilities. You ability to heal these chronic conditions truly hangs on whether you have fruit in your diet, especially melon!

There was a time of about 4-6 weeks last summer I wanted to push my healing as fast as it could go. So what did I do? I juiced a watermelon a day (a BIG one) and consumed 1-2 cantaloupe raw, juiced, or in a  smoothie daily. That was the quickest I had seen my eczema heal and the most energy I gained in a short amount of time. 

Nowadays, I eat/juice about one melon, usually a cantaloupe, a day and feel absolutely fantastic! The easiest way you could incorporate healing fruit into your diet is for breakfast. If you’re not having a smoothie already, or consume for your morning snack, cut open a melon and eat half or even the whole thing! There’s no need to slather it with nut butters or other additions. Save yourself the time and hassle and eat fruit, simple and raw. Your body will heal much faster consuming this type of breakfast versus bacon and eggs I PROMISE!  Melons are essentially purified balls of water packed with nutrients and the essential glucose we need. The purified water and nutrients enter our cells and bind onto toxins, virus, bacteria, mold, fungus, neurotoxins, and flushes them out. Also if you are struggling with SIBO and melon is painful for you this is why- this food is causing die off in your gut and sweeping out all the nasty elements listed above. You desperately need this food in your healing regimen. Start small and work your way up to increase your melon consumption.

Healing foods garlic

Garlic: Whenever I am trying to juxtapose garlic’s superior antibacterial and detox capabilities to medication I like to tell this true story I learned from a Certified Nurse Midwife I worked with. She was working as a nurse practitioner in very underserved district in China for a number of years. When she first arrived she was startled at the lack of access to first line medication such as antibiotics. She was treating many women in clinic day in and day out with yeast infections and other bacterial infections ladies can get downstairs. So she consulted with the chinese medicine docs in the area and they looked at her like she was crazy. “Just use garlic” they stated blankly. She gave it a whirl and the evidence suggested garlic in fact worked better to fight these infections in women and WITHOUT the side effects. Garlic is super bug killer! I used to be on an antibiotic for strep throat or sinus infection several times a year, I’m talking 3-6 uses of heavy hitting antibiotics yearly for several years. Non beneficial organisms in our body like bacteria, fungus, and parasites run off of positive frequency, stealing our energy and causing us to lose our grounding. Garlic has beneficial, anti pathogenic properties that are positively charged and actually compete with the unproductive positively charged organisms draining us. It comes down to like versus like,  with garlic being more potent and powerful. Just like when you eat it, it is abrasive, and for a good reason!  Garlic fights common colds, sibo, UTIs, sinus infections, EBV, detoxes the liver to relieve eczema, and can even clear up a cyst or pimple. 

Aim to consume garlic in its raw form several times a week, 1-3 cloves per day. I like to chop it up raw and add to salsa, salad dressings, soups, or even swallow it like mini- pills if I feel a bacterial infection coming on. Pro tip: consume garlic at your evening meal so you’re not breathing away the vampires (or prince charmings) all day! 

Note: if consuming garlic creates gas and bloating for you, this is a symptom of the bacteria dying off the garlic is killing. This is also a symptom you should be consuming more garlic. If this food causes pain for you, start small, start with it cooked, or start with it in capsule form. Nothing will beat the benefits of raw, organic garlic, but sometimes we have to begin at another starting place and work our way there. 

healing foods leafy greens

Leafy Greens: last but not least are leafy greens! Spinach, kale, butter lettuce, arugula, collard greens, dandelion greens, etc. These foods are beneficial for everyone! Leafy greens have so many benefits- highly alkaline, high in calcium, reduce acidosis in the body making us sick, packed with mineral salts which feed neurotransmitters to enhance brain function, they are a CNS restorative after a viral illness or intense workout, and are an amazing source of  protein (seriously, look at the label on you container of spinach)! The easiest way to consume this food in the quantity you need is to blend into soups, smoothies, stir fries, place in wraps or just eat as a bowl of roughage! I personally find it easiest to consume in my daily smoothie along side of my wild blueberries! Raw is always most effective, however cooked leafy greens in a stir fry are surely better than none at all. Get creative with the ways you can consume this incredibly healing food into your diet.

Once you begin routinely consuming these five foods I guarantee you, you will begin to see a reduction in your most nagging symptoms and alleviation in your overall inflammation. These food are MEDICINE. And they are the best place to begin your healing journey today!

Depending on the degree of illness and toxicity in your body, you may be curious to explore what other remedies are needed to holistically heal your body. You can always drop me a line and set up a time to chat, no obligations. Let me leave you with this, whatever modality you choose to heal your symptoms, or whoever you choose to be your healing guide, let me assure you, food as medicine is the most effective, and the only way you will truly be able to truly heal the root cause of your suffering and PREVENT the symptoms from reappearing. Don’t just take my word for it, get to the grocery store and stock your cart with the healing pharmacy you learned about!

Healing abounds,


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