The #1 Lie You Are Being Told About Autoimmune Disease!

Autoimmune it really in your genes? Does having such a condition really mean your body is attacking itself?

How many of us have been led to believe that one day your body woke up and just magically decided to start attacking itself? How many of us have beat ourselves up thinking our genes are faulty, we’re just a less than specimen of the human race, and we must come to accept our life with chronic illness?

HEAR ME OUT: this is absolutely untrue. Your body is NOT attacking itself and your genes are not out of control.


This mindset robs us of any empowerment we could have to heal our bodies and leaves us with limiting beliefs that PREVENT our recovery from illness.

I can still vividly remember the day I left the doctor’s office after my autoimmune diagnosis thinking my body had betrayed me, hating my body for a crime it did not commit. When in reality, my body had been fighting for me all along.

If the body isn’t attacking itself then why do we develop “autoimmune” (self attack) disease? The medical industry is pointing the finger at the wrong culprit and their patients are paying big consequences. It is horrifying and incredibly sad to see thyroids cut out and immune systems suppressed with pharmaceuticals. But it’s time we WAKE UP and understand what is really going on.

Your body is creating antibodies and inflammation because of a foreign pathogen or toxicity present within the body. The body swells and puffs to create a protective layer around the cell that prevents itself from nasty viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, and harmful organisms that are inorganic within the body. The body creates antibodies (this process also causes inflammation) to then seek, kill, and eradicate said pathogens and toxic substances.

The number one reason you have autoimmune disease is an underlying, chronic viral illness with coexisting bacterial infections and heavy metal toxicity. The three almost never coexist separately because of how they originated in the first place. These infections paired with poor diet, stress, lack of quality sleep hygiene and environmental toxins equals a recipe for autoimmune disaster.

You may not be able to control how you got sick: trauma in childhood that kept your cortisol high from young age, being fed crappy school lunches since age 5, let alone being taught the principles of the horrid food pyramid which had you basing your meals off of bread, milk and cheese, heaven forbid. All of these precursors in place, then along comes a viral illness, like Epstein Barr (mononucleosis), that invades the system but never is fully eradicated from the body. Fast forward a few years, more stress, more pathogen feeding foods, maybe even a decade later, and now you have autoimmune disease.

You may not have been in control of the fact that you developed disease within the body, but here is the GOOD NEWS.. you can control how you will heal now!


Believing your body is attacking itself and your circumstances are just a result of your DNA Is playing the victim!

When you give that belief power over you it becomes your truth.

Blowing your bank account on doctors visits, supplements, looking for someone or something outside yourself to be your savior, and negating the need to completely realign your thoughts, emotions, diet and lifestyle is stripping your power and stealing you away from your life’s purpose by leaving disease to wreak havoc throughout your body.


If you want to know the secret to healing autoimmune disease and chronic illness within the body I’ll give it to you one simple approach: nutritional therapy. Physically this is the beginning to healing and the end to autoimmune disease. Nothing more, nothing less.

Disease happens, and I believe is a tool used by darkness, to rob us of our quality of life. You and I were created by the very same God, with the very same cells, and we all have the birthright to live an abundant, HEALTHY, joyful life full of vitality and power.

Read that again. Does it not sit right with you? There may be an emotional block here for you or a limiting belief we need to work through. You are stronger with a greater ability to heal within you than you realize. We activate this power by your daily thoughts and habits contributing to your wellbeing. Then once you begin to activate this potential inside of you, you begin to FEEL different. This is how true healing begins to occur. Healing begins within. Healing begins with belief in the mind and understanding of why you even developed an illness in the first place.


If there’s one thing you take away from this article remember this:

YOUR BODY CAN HEAL, she is your friend, and she is not attacking herself.

I promise

Feel lost on how to begin your healing journey?

Set up a free consult with me below..

We’ll get you started on the road to TRUE healing and get your life back!

Healing abounds!



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