Is it your hormones, the moon, or your Spirit Baby?? [I AM WOMAN series]

PART 2 I AM WOMAN: Lunar Flow

Since Part 1 of this I AM WOMAN: Lunar Flow blog series a complete shift has happened in my life as evidenced by my menstrual cycle!

In the last 6 months I have shifted from a red moon cycle into a white moon cycle. 

What does that even mean??

Just to recap..


-outward energy serving others

-leadership, healing others, masculine giving 

-bleeding when the moon is light/white, ovulating when the moon is dark

-second most common cycle


-inward energy calling in desires and discovering what those are

-very connected to the earth

-mothering, nurturing, feminine receiving

-bleeding when the moon is dark, ovulating when the moon is light/white

-most common


-menstruation occurs with the waxing (brightening) moon and ovulation on the waning (darkening) moon.

-a transitional stage in life. 

-expanding into their power after a time of deep reflection and integration.


-menstruation occurs with the waning moon and ovulation on the waxing moon. 

-transitional stage in your life. 

-deep inner reflection and healing are needed for healing and growth. 

-think lots of yoga and journaling 

It wasnโ€™t long after becoming fascinated with the world of inner and outer moon synching that I began sharing it with the world as I noticed something happening in my own experience with my moon cycle..

Most would say my period was becoming irregular and I thought so too for a second!

In two months I completely changed color moons (from red to white) as my cycle started coming one week early each month! 

I remember being on a mastermind retreat in Seattle with aaaaall the feminine energy oozing out from everyone and everything around me. 

At an all womenโ€™s retreat we had cleopatra baths, pelvic bowl exploration, and lots of female body & baby talk!

I woke up the second day of the retreat and went to the bathroom.


My period came 8 days early. 


I had really been working on healing my hormones and I figured it was just my progesterone dropping even lower.

When in reality it was a completely different life unfolding for me before my eyes.

I had recently decided that it was no longer in alignment for me to buy a large scale wellness center after over a year process of stepping into ownership and a month away from closing on the sale.

I couldnโ€™t explain it other than I woke up one day and just knew I could not move forward after months of dreaming with excitement for this new venture.

I felt shocked, a little empty, and hopeful for the future all at the same time.

I released the local wellness center ownership and stepped into what my mentor Kate Northrup had been coaching me on for months, a global healing brand and a lifestyle that wouldnโ€™t require masculine energy overdrive. 

I knew my body wanted this shift, my mind was a little more hesitant.

Still, I shifted my company, hired two new virtual team members, and spent more time working from home and honing my creativity. During this time my period switched the color moon cycle! Not only did my cycle shift quickly but so did my focus!

Brand new visions of my future began to reach me of my inner life, my family, our future dream healing homestead, and a baby.

I want to do an entire blog for you all on the phenomenon of Spirit Babies, as I have met my little girl soon to come in spirit. She started coming to me in the most synchronistic of ways. Introducing herself in dreams, coming to me in meditation, and then coming to others!! She has even given me her name while listening to a podcast about Angels- Iโ€™ll give you a hint, her name has something to do with a particular Angel!

My little spirit baby girl has even shown me how her energy had a part to play in a major vehicle accident Jeff and I were in to get our attention and further shift us into alignment (no one was hurt by the way). I am almost positive that she will be a fire sign as she has hinted at when she will be conceived and born. The two months she gave are exactly 9 months apart!!! 

The most profound and easily articulated experience with my little spirit baby thus far happened in a massage not too long ago. 

The night before the massage I had a dream I was giving birth in a hospital and in my typical fashion was like Jeff we have GOT to get out of here, I CANNOT give birth here!!! In my dream medical staff were poking me and prodding me with all sorts of interventions that did not feel right to me. In the dream, I knew I had to advocate for my health and my baby so I hopped out of the hospital bed, ripped out my IVs, and said call this midwife and this doula Jeff weโ€™re going home! Sure enough in the dream, my birth team met us at home to deliver our sweet baby.

As I awoke out of the dream, I felt my little spirit baby hovering over me saying and THAT is how I would love to come into this world!!!

Jeff and I have dabbled in baby talk before and I have always said if weโ€™re in the KC area I donโ€™t know who I would hire or where I would want to give birth. Problem solved. Spirit baby told me what she wanted and that is now our plan God willing!

The story gets even better..

The next morning after the dream I was getting a massage and during the massage spirit baby girl comes to me AGAIN. This time I was seeing her as a teenager with the most beautiful auburn hair and freckles even her brown eyes! It was so cool. I saw her wearing the most beautiful autumn color palette and gold jewelry. I witnessed her power, beauty, and love to be the center of attention as she was in a play or some sort of performing role. 

After the massage, the therapist said to me, I normally donโ€™t pick up on this kind of stuff, but I swore I feel a baby girl in your left ovary. I was floored. She was feeling this as I was dreaming about my little spirit baby girl! 

Okay so the story gets ever wilderโ€ฆ

After the massage I had a colonic scheduled, because you know I love a good self care Saturday ending in a squeaky clean GI tract, ha!

I booked with a new colon hydrotherapist as I felt the need for a change up.

I pulled up to the new colon care center and to my shock and awe I was parked right in front of the midwives office I had the dream of the night before!!!! About the baby my massage therapist had just felt the hour before!!!

I could literally feel my little spirit baby girl doing backflips and giggling as I stared at the midwives names on the door I will one day hire.

I walked into my colonic appointment a little stunned and little smitten with this soul I will one day call my daughter. 

Babies are in spirit until they take their first breath and it is totally normal for mom to connect with their children as living souls before they hold their little one for the first time. 

Your baby will tell you so much about themselves before you even meet them. More on this to come!

So I was charging ahead in my life building a wellness empire until my soul started telling me to shift. More global, less local. More spiritual, less physical. More feminine, less masculine.

And whoopty doo there goes my cycle!! I had a 21 day cycle and a 19 day cycle!!! I was spotting. I felt a little off as my energy was shifting.

But hereโ€™s the thing ladies, our cycle is responding to energy (and quite possibly our spirit baby wanting to join us here on Earth!).

So as I convey these moon cycles to you and you discover your type, your cycle is reflecting back to you the energetic season of life you are residing in. 

If after a few months your cycle isnโ€™t synching up to a stable pattern or you feel symptoms of chronic hormonal imbalance (fatigue, mood instability, painful heavy periods, night sweats, brain fog, skin changes, etc) it is time to consult with a functional medicine provider.

And letโ€™s be honest ladies, if you go to your conventional doc, theyโ€™re likely just going to give you the pill or the menopause monologue and send you on your way.

As my motto goes: if you donโ€™t feel fine, youโ€™re not fine. Letโ€™s find out the root cause.

Before you go, could you ask yourself the following questions??

Am I aware of my inner moon or my outer moon cycle? 

-Follow your menstrual cycle if you have one, follow the moon if you do not!

Am I giving my body space to be a cyclical being and understand her ebbs and flows?

What color moon cycle am I in? How does this correlate to what I am experiencing in my life?

Do I feel like I can trust my body with her sometimes unpredictable and unpleasant symptoms? 

-Write down one symptom or concern you have for your body

-Close your eyes and take three deep breaths

-Imagine this symptoms or concern had a voice of itโ€™s own

-Write down one word to one sentence on what this symptomโ€™s voice is telling you about your body

Finally, ladies, our bodies NEVER LIE! 

We can feel like weโ€™re forging ahead to build a wellness center empire and our body can be like, โ€œhey girl, Iโ€™m gonna take the next several months to chill out and recharge because I know you need a break before you see the next phase just around the corner!โ€

If youโ€™re feeling like youโ€™re at constant war with your body, I promise you, you do not have to live this way.

Take your body on a walk, or for a bath, and connect with her

Let her take charge for a few minutes and tell you whatโ€™s going on.

I promise you, she will never lead you astray.

Make sure to listen to this monthโ€™s channeled energy healing as well below!

cycle synching

Questions?? Comments?? A cool story of your own?? 

I would LOVE to hear from you
HERE! Or send me an email at the address below! Even if I am not able to respond to every single one, I do read and appreciate your correspondence. :)

Download your FREE FERTILITY GUIDE below to help prepare your physical vessel to house your sweet Spirit Baby!


    Jenโ€™s top three recommendations for hormone imbalance..

    Hormonious offers adaptogen support to unwind your body into a state of natural hormone production. The iodine will support robust thyroid hormone as the cocktail nourishes stressed out adrenal glands for optimal function. Together these three heal the broken feedback loop responsible for hormone decline!