Does your intuition scare you?
I have a serious question for you..
Does your intuition scare you?
To follow is a story that transpired on our yoga retreat in Azores, Portugal. The kind of synchronistic story that I wish I could make up. A story that will expose me to illuminate the gifts within you.
This story starts by me asking, do your gifts, does your intuition, scare you??
Impromptu medium
We are afraid of our gifts, our natural innate talents simply because we don’t trust them, understand them, or feel accepted for them.
I am so grateful for the two women who unknowingly pushed me out of hiding to demonstrate my abilities this last week in Portugal on our yoga retreat.
It was the last night and we hadn’t really delved into all things spiritual beyond yoga. I love to encourage and teach others about intuition, mediumship, angels, and guides. It was unusual for me to go almost an entire week without an encounter in this subject. It is not typically unusual for me to want to hide myself and appear small. We are always a work in progress right?
Back to the dinner table now. The woman sitting next to me at dinner was talking about years ago at a retreat a medium connected her with her mom who crossed over when she was 15. I felt such emotion well up in me, like wow I wish I could help her connect right in this moment.
As the conversation continued I started to get an intense headache. I thought I’m not going to say anything I’ll just listen to her story. I didn’t want to be that girl and have to prove I resonate by telling her I do medium work. I said okay God, if I’m to help this woman you will make it known. My headache intensified as her mother’s spirit slipped into my field, deeply desiring to push this energy through me to her daughter.
We engaged in authentic conversation and I started asking questions which raised the woman’s curiosity. How did you know to ask that, she considered? The questions led into knowings from her mom through me. The woman started crying and the connection was very real. Her mom was showing her all the ways in which she had been speaking to her over the years. She could feel it, and perhaps for the first time she could see it.
Her mom gave me a few physical cues to leave with her daughter to know when it is her communicating.
The woman told me “I thought I would hear a voice in my head, I didn’t know all of the ways of communication from our loved ones.”
Earlier in the conversation she had told us about the time the first medium connected her to her mom, her sister was in trouble and her mom provided a message. At this same time many years later her sister is in trouble again and her mom provided a message through a different medium, which I am so grateful to say was me. There is no coincidence with anyone we encounter. Ever.
I could have sat by anyone in the 20 person group and landed upon any other conversation than this.
Consider Yourself a Connector
What is important for me to share was my desire to want to connect for this woman and the connection happening without me having to try or say “I’m going to connect now”. The exchange just flowed through me. I was nervous because she had told me how precise the first medium was and I feared I wouldn’t be “that good”. By the end the whole table was listening and intrigued. We ended the night talking about our loved ones in Heaven, intuition, angel numbers and signs.
I feel everyone can be a connector for others with a desire in their heart to serve and TRUST. If you’re reading this and you feel that curious excitement in your body, know you can do it too! We are energy beings, feeling energy is our divine nature.
Miracles on a Plane
When you’re open, it is like God can see the vacancy sign on in your soul and use you for good.
To be honest, I started to feel a connection happening along with a few premonitions of healing to happen with this woman who sat next to Jeff and I on the flight back to the states.
It is both glorious and taxing to be used for Healing when God prompts you. I saw myself in a flash vision lying hands on this woman as her migraine grew more and more intense. With dark circles under her eyes in complete disarray she looked at me and whispered, “I never get migraines.” Jeff nudged me and immediately knew.
Here we go I thought. I told God I was willing and then game on, the woman started looking over at me, almost like she was asking for help.
We made eye contact and I asked her if she had ever received alternative healing through touch or acupressure. She said no, and asked if that is what I do. I nodded and asked her if she would be open to touch from me. Eagerly she shook her head yes.
I started by holding a few neurovascular points lightly on her head and neck. I could feel the pulsating of energy in her head. I saw her hiking during her vacation, depleting electrolytes. An image of a banana flashed before me and I could feel in my body the depleted electrolyte state of her blood. I worked the energy down from her head and watched as the dark circles below her eyes began to drain.
Interestingly enough, the right side cleared far more quickly than the left. She expressed greater intensity on her left side. I continued to hold her head, losing myself in the process. Then when I looked at my right hand it no longer appeared to be my hand. This is something I have trouble putting words to.
When I am deep in energy healing and I can truly feel God’s energy running through me, it is almost like an out of body experience. The telltale sign is when my hands no longer appear to be my hands. This is how I know the energy exchange is very powerful.
Next thing I knew my friendly flight neighbor was sighing in relief and drifting into sleep. I felt the energy slowing and I retracted my hands. She opened her eyes and turned to Jeff and said “she’s a keeper, that was amazing”. She happily reported her pain had gone from a 10/10 to a 2/10. She was talking rapidly and back to friendly conversation.
Jeff said he knew something special was about to unfold when we were standing next to her in our departure airport and he saw the edge of her boarding pass sticking out from her passport, clearly displaying our neighboring seat.
What was so special to me, was the unspoken communication between Jeff and I as this healing unfolded. As I had the vision of helping this woman, Jeff was already looking at me, all knowing.
As I shifted my body to begin the healing, Jeff gathered my kindle and pillow from my lap to hold. The night before, as I was connecting with our friend’s mom at dinner and my head began to pound, Jeff leaned his body into mine giving me an energetic boost. When I am wiped after giving a healing or connecting for someone, he picks up the pieces. It feels as if he is my armor bearer some days, and I am so thankful for him.
If I am being honest, once I saw the vision of holding the woman’s head I IMMEDIATELY felt resistance.
Ugh no, I thought. What if she rejects my offer? What if it doesn’t help? What if I look weird to the other passengers? Who do I think I am?
Then I thought of the ultimate energy healer, Jesus, and heard his spirit say to me, “they mocked me Jen, they mocked me until after I was dead.”
I thought of his bravery, his I don’t give a rip genuine disposition, and I sank into the moment.
I surrendered. I allowed God to work through me and asked my Angels for assistance.
I felt fully in the moment and let the energy do the rest.
What I know for sure is that we all have healing in our hands and the ability to connect to our loved ones in our hearts. If this is resonating with you and you want to have a similar experience, just ask. God will show you your gifts.
Take a deep breath.
Whisper up a prayer.
Tell the Universe you’re ready.
Watch the miracles unfold.
I would love to hear from you the magic that follows!!!!
Drop me a line below.
Jen’s favorite Ayurvedic Roll Ons…
This line of Ayurvedic roll-ons are mindfully crafted with amethyst charged oils and enlightenment. Carefully formulated to achieve highest benefits, they each have something unique to offer. Take a moment to reflect upon where you need support, and let your intuition choose which oil is best for you. To gain the most from your oils, apply to pulse points as needed.